Chapter 1C

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(A/n: fun fact, the industrial district is based on what I saw in Oakland and Portland/Rose city.)


   "I'm coming!" I called to her, running behind her. She gave me a smile before grabbing my wrist. The cop seemed shocked to see this girl. But quickly ran after us.

   She led me down an entrance to the subway. Sliding under the pay gate. Hoping to lose him in the crowd. He followed, now in full pursuit. The next thing I knew, she was pulling me into the train in the station. In such a large space, it was easy to avoid him.

   I pulled the stranger into a seat near the back of the train. "You care to explain what in the flip just happened?" I whispered at her. After all that, I deserved an explanation. "Or even tell me your name?"

   "They call me 'Aoi' for.... obvious reasons." The girl, apperenly Aoi said. And I understood why once I looked at her again. It was clear that she over thought social interactions. "I.... don't remember my last name."

   Strange, but at least I know her name now. "I'll explain everything else later. We shouldn't talk here. " She looked away awkwardly.


   The train ride wasn't very long, only until the next stop. Aoi took my hand and led me to the industrial district of Polis. Warehouses lined the cracked streets, and litter covered the sides of the roads. Shattered pottery wasn't an uncommon sight.

   Aoi led me to a particular warehouse, although it looked just like the others. We went inside to reveal copious piles of unsold 'Our Hero Academy' merch. I was in shock by the shear amount of it. But apparently, to Aoi, this was an average Tuesday. As she walked through it without batting an eye.

  "What? They made a whole bunch of merch while it was popular, and it was all terrible quality. If you get lost, you might get buried in it forever," She said, clearly anxious to get somewhere.

  I tried my best to keep up as I could. Soon enough, we came up on another door. To which Aoi opened, holding the door for me.

  When I walked through that door, I knew my life would never be the same.

   Three odd figures stood at the bottom of the corridor, one obviously smaller than then the others. The smallest one had sky blue skin and cyan hair. A single large, red eye was placed in the middle of their face. They wore a faded hospital gown. Two dragon-like horns poked out of their short hair, as well as a tail that peaked out of their gown.

  The second was quite an odd character. They were clearly a descendent of the Kitsunes. Two fox ears sprouted from their head, as well as two tails that started around their lower back. They had fluffy, bronze hair that nearly covered their face. An eyepatch covered their left eye, while the other one was a hazel color. A cropped sweater with a collar and a pair of acid wash jeans was all they had on. Nothing else was too remarkable.

   The final figure was tall and thin. His skin was pale in a sickly sort of way; like he had melanin but very little blood. Wavy, dark purple hair clung to his face like a mask. He wore clothes reminiscent of a Qing dynasty government official with some modern touches. Two parchment talismans were sewn or taped into his clothes

  I was in udder shock seeing these people in a warehouse basement. They all looked so different. "Who's the dead girl walking?" Asked the kitsune, their tails swaying in annoyance. Aoi gave them a smile before gesturing to me. "This is Laiden. Met her today, but we got caught talking. Laiden, I'd like to introduce you to Anh(pronounced   ah-n), Chen, and the little one is Marble."

   Anh gave Aoi a look that said, 'Are you serious?' But shrugged and gave me a nod.

Continue to chapter 2

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