Chapter 1D

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   "Stop right there!" Bellowed the officer. I froze in my tracks, afraid of the consequences of any further action. Before I could think, the strange girl was gone, having already run off. I cowered as he approached. He had fair skin and dirty-blonde hair. Two fox ears peeked out from under the uniform hat, peirceings on each ear. And a single fox tail wagged behind him. "My name is Officer Oblex. I'd like to take you in for questioning."

   Crap. I can't help but feel like that girl was important somehow. But as I had no way of resisting him now, I followed him into the car.


   It had been over an hour at this point. Although it was hard to tell due to the lack of a clock. This would have been so much easier if I had just jumped. But it looks like I'm here now. They were clearly observing me, so I just took this time for some self reflection.

   How was my life so messed up that I needed to kill myself? In the end, I don't know. So many people have it much worse than I do and keep going. Would that make it even worse if I gave up? Why is my life so bad anyway?  My thoughts began to spiral with questions but were shortly interrupted by a clattering on the floor behind me.

   A cranky sounding voice called out to me. "I'll get you out of here, but we need to go! There's a blind spot on the cameras. It's clearly visible to you. Find the vent in that blind spot, and I'll get you to safety! There's no time to ask questions right now. The guards are distracted, so you need to go, now!"

  It only took a few seconds for me to locate the so-called 'blind spot', and I was now left with an important choice:

Option 1:
Let's get the heck out of here! It doesn't matter who it is, it's better than staying here!
(Go to Chapter 1E)

Option 2:
Hell no, am I going with a mysterious voice. I'm better off staying here!
(Go to Chapter 1F)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14 ⏰

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