Chapter 1: Can I reset?

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   Sometimes, it seems like I was doomed from the start. I'm Laiden Enid. I'm 19, and I've been attending a prestigious college for about 6 months. As impressive as that sounds I haven't really enjoyed, my time here. Sure, I have friends and good grades, but I feel off. I worked all my life to get this far, but now that I'm here, I feel hallow. Sometimes, it feels like the only way to fix things is to just end this right here.

  "Laiden? Laiden! Is everything ok there, girl?" My friend Maya asks me. I snap out of my dissociation to look over at her. Maya has copper colored skin with sage eyes. A neatly folded, white hajab raps around her neck and frames her face. She had on a comedicly large mushroom hat that was red with white spots. Today, Maya had on her signature lolita jumper skirt that matched her hat and a long sleeved frilly button-up. Long tights with various mushroom paintings covered her legs, with little  red teaparty heels finishing the look. As usual, she looked adorable.

  "Oh, ya, everything is good. I was just thinking about stuff." I quickly dodge the question. I keep talking with her until we reach my dorm building. She lives elsewhere, so she usually just walks me to my dorm first. After waving goodbye, I walk inside.

  Opening the door to my shared dorm, it seems like my roommate isn't there. I look into the mirror to take in my appearance. My messy, off-green colored hair had been quickly tied into a low ponytail with whatever I could find. In this case, a white bow. I recently developed greenish skin because of being part zombie. Despite not 'dying' yet. Large eyebags sagged underneath my amber eyes. I had on a wrinkled button-down under a pea-green cardigan, long black pants clung to my slightly chubby thighs. I totally looked like a mess, even more than how I felt. Suddenly feeling less motivated, then before, I just lay on my bed.

   How did this happen? Why can't I just be happy?



Was this really the answer to all my problems? Who knows.

    After my dad suddenly didn't come home one day, my life had been uneventful and dull. Sure, I wasn't bullied or anything. The kids weren't dumb enough to bully anyone, but I was just left to my own devices. I could never understand what they didn't like about me. My mother tried to help but with her always at work, it didn't do much.

    I miraculously graduated high school with average grades and enrolled in college. And it seems my life isn't getting any better. Everyone told me it'd get better after. Nope. It's just an infinite loop of the same day. This is my only way to be free.

  My half tied Converse made soft noises on the concrete as I walked to the desolete bridge. Nobody should have to witness this. It was quite a beautiful day. The sun shines so delicately onto the nearby oak and willow trees. Even the universe seemed to be happy that I'm leaving.

   Walking past the only other person on the bridge, I take note of their bi-colored hair. Hopefully, they wouldn't notice what was going to happen.

   Slipping off my shoes*, I leave them nicely placed near the railing. Soon after, leaving my two notes to the only people who gave me the time of day. After, I climb onto the railing as well, dangling my feet off the edge.

    This is it: I can finally be at peace.

   "Hey! What are you doing?! Stop." A voice called to me. It was sweet and calming.

(Now comes the difficulty formatted part. This has been annoying to do on this particular platform. You will have to choose what you do from here. This is how you progress through the story. You will be presented with 2-5 options, and you pick the outcome. Like a traditional 'chosen your own adventure book'.)

Option A: Talk to them. You've got nothing to lose. Besides, they probably won't stop you anyway
Go to chapter 2A
Option B: Ignore them. It doesn't matter anyway. Let's just get this over with.
Go to chapter 2B

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