Chapter 1A

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Option A results:

   I turned back to see a girl with split dyed hair in buns. She had dark skin that had clearly been severely scarred due to the numerous patches covering her. The 'patches' were two shades of lavender in a stripped pattern. Her outfit consists of a dark colored hoodie and black shorts, one striped thigh high, and a blood stained one covered her legs.

   Her eyes were a bronze color that was simple compared to the rest of the look she had. Overall, this girl was absolutely stunning. "Did you need something?" I asked, putting on a brave face for this stranger.

   The odd girl spoke softly, as if she hadn't said anything in a while. "You just, ... uh, looked like you were about to do something that you'd regret. Are you ok?" She asked, genuine concern on her face.

   I sighed she made a point. I shouldn't traumatize her with my death right here anyway. And swung my legs over the railing, back to her side.

   "I'm glad you're going to reconsider this." She gave me a soft smile and held out her hand, offering it to me. Reluctently, I accepted and the colorful girl helped me down.

   Looking into her eyes, it seemed like I'd met her somewhere before- I can't put my finger on it. The pain in this girl's eyes, I'd definitely seen her before.

   "My name's Laiden. Laiden E-" I got cut off by a nearby police officer walking behind us. This triggered a reflex within the strange girl. Pulling us around a corner.

   "Listen. If that officer sees us together, he's going to think you're my accomplice. You need to get out of here!" She was frantic, and I was panicking.

   "Wait, what's your name?" I asked, ignoring the current threat. Maybe knowing her name could help.

   Before she could protest more, the officer turned the corner. His batton in hand. "Shit!" She said under her breath.

"Hey?! Stop" the officer raised his voice as he saw us.

"We need to run, now!" Said the girl

It's decision timeee!!! This time, there's more variety in the results.

Option A:
Leave with her. It's fine. She's..... probably not a serial killer. Cops are scary anyway.

Go to chapter 1C

Option B
The cop it is, I guess it's better than getting roped into something that I have no business being in.
Go to chapter 1D

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