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Abhi was frozen in his place!! It was the best and most memorable chapter of his life.

It was a reminder of what he lost. He was having a beautiful life back then!!!

Though it was not perfect.his life was never perfect, it was always filled with challenges but he never felt scared or nervous to face any challenges in life!! as he knew that he was not alone. His mamma is there to support him in every step he takes.

He was always a less expressive and understanding child!! who doesn't know how to fight for himself. 

People often take advantage of his goodness and kind nature.Not only outsiders but his own Father used to take him for granted. 

He never got the love from his Father which he deserved because according to his father he is a loser.

Who did not get good marks nor did he have that confident aura while interacting with strangers.

He preferred to stay in shells. Away from the show off. His father was the exact opposite to him.

He believed in showing off. He had his own beliefs which were completely opposite from Abhi's dreams.

He tried hard but he never lived up to their expectations. Because he expected him to score like his bhaiya even aki but what can he do. he didn't feel like studying.

He wants him to become a doctor, engineer or businessman. He even tried to do it!!! He applied to engineering college but was not able to clear the entrance exam.

He hated to see the disappointment in his father's eyes!! but How could he be successful in something he doesn't feel like doing?

He missed her mother so much at that time. He knows if she would have been there then no one will be able to force him to do anything without his will.

But alas she was not there when he needed her the most.that was the difficult phase of his life. 

It was so difficult that  he found it easier to die than to live!!! He tried to commit suside.

That's when his bhaiya gets to know what is happening behind his back. He was in the state for his study. He was persuade bachelor in filmmaking.

He gets the news of him committing that stupidity. He comes as soon as he gets a visa. 

Though he still regret for what he did back then!! He is ashamed for giving up.

He gave his bhaiya a big scar that his bhaiya still fear sometime to leave him alone, whenever he was stressed or disturbed.

some wounds have no cure!! We have to learn to leave with it. Avantika's exit is just that wound. 

Though he still could not able to hate her or his father but he did not love them either.

He doesn't have any feeling for them no hate nor love.still he cherish the memories they gave. He keeps that memory safe in the corner of his heart where no one can reach.

He come out from the thought with Aki's voice.

Akshat - Bhaiyu kaha kho gaye?

Abhi - Nothing main abhi aata hun. He leave from there before Aki could ask anything.


Other hand

Arjun was busy in shooting when his phone ring.

Screen flash Abhi's number. He thought Abhi ka phone es vakht!!! He felt odd as Abhi never call him this time of day.

Nevertheless he was going to pick up but Abhi disconnect it before.

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