Confusion better have a limit

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"Why are you perfect?" Jamie asked, staring at me our arms around each other. I chuckled

"Trust me I'm not your just delirious" Jamie gave me a smug smirk then kissed me, a nice soft kiss.

"Silver" Adrian said. I departed my lips from Jamie and looked at Adrian. His face depressed. I let go of Jamie unravelling our arms around each other.

"What's wrong?" I asked moving closer to Adrian. People started to crowd around Adrian.

"I won't be able to do tutoring tomorrow, sorry"

"Oh...that's fine" I said smiling. "Are you okay?" I asked moving just an inch closer. Adrian was silent, I slowly put my hand on his forehead, and a cold shiver went through my spine, I pulled it back when my first finger touched it.

"Sorry" he instantly replied.

"Adrian you're freezing maybe you should see the school nurse" Sympathetically I said.

"No, I'm fine" Adrian lied then doing a short smile. "I better get going" And like that Adrian moved swiftly out the door followed by a bunch of girls. I turned to Jamie, his face was annoyed you could tell. I tugged his sleeve edging him to come closer, but his quick movement of his arm made my hand come back to my side.

"What's wrong Jamie?" I moved a little closer, but not too close that he would want to move away.

"I don't get you Silver first you hate his guts next thing I know you're checking his temperature telling him what to do" Jamie paused. "I feel like... you...want to be with-"

"Don't say that Jamie" I snapped "How could you think that? I'm with you not him. I don't even think of ever having Adrian as my boyfriend, I love you...but if you can't see that maybe we shouldn't be together" I stared at Jamie intently.

"Maybe we shouldn't, you know maybe that's for the best. Yet, even though I know, we should probably break up, I can't bring myself to say that" Jamie then hung his head, a few girls started to rub his back muttering in his ear to 'dump her' probably. He then shrugged them all off and moved closer to me, his arms slowly moved to my face. He held my face with his two hands cupped around it. He then pulled my head towards his face. His kiss was soft, delicate, and fragile. Just a movement to the left or right could break the kiss. He then detached his lips from mine and went towards my ear. He whispered, "Do you want to break up?"I temporarily froze. Knowing that my answer could mean me and Jamie being together or not. I didn't know what to say, I love Jamie, but...

"I don't know?" I finally said. "I want to... I just..." I stopped talking.

"It's your choice Silver; I want us to be together" I bit my lip; I didn't want to hurt Jamie. "If you don't think we should be together, then I won't pester you to go out with me." Jamie then did his casual smile that would make me happy, but my face and attitude stayed the confusion. He lightly placed his lips on my forehead just a quick kiss, then moved back.

"Jamie do not be silly of course I want to be with you" He did a short smile then only moving past me, as he left the classroom.

I looked away from the door, staring at the girls that surrounded me. Some rolled their eyes some sniggered. They were really starting to annoy me.

"Is there a problem" I boldly said, all their eyes focused on me.

"You think you're so amazing don't you Silver" Alana came out, looking me up and down, and then kissing her teeth at me. "Getting two good looking boys after you" She snorted.

"Excuse me, what are you talking about?" She gave me an expression that was quite odd, her face tilted with her tongue hanging out the left side of her mouth.

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