A hint of sweetness

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"Who can tell me what Natural Selection is?" Ms King asked. I glanced to the back, the same seat empty for the past 2 weeks. Adrian where are you? The last time I saw him face to face was at the beach, after that I didn't get him in on Thursdays, he didn't come into school, Shaz did but she said he's been locked in his room.

"Silver?" Ms King asked.

"Yes Ms" I turned back round.

"What is Natural Selection?"

"It's when you naturally select something" I said without thinking.

"Silver...maybe you should go and get a drink you seem a bit out of place" She did a small smile. And went back to writing on the board. I took my chance and swiftly left the room, making sure not to make eye contact with Jenny so I wouldn't have to tell her I'm sorry for ditching her in Biology.

I sat in the schools courtyard, my back on the hard gravel pavement. My head looking up at the sky. Why did I want to see Adrian? He's just a friend no one special...just a friend...no one special...a friend...special. I shook my head.

"Silver?" A familiar voice called my name. His head came in the path towards me and the clouds.

"Hey Jamie"

"What you doing out here" He did a short puzzled look.

"Getting some fresh air, what about you?"

"Erm I just getting some fresh air to, mind if I join you" He said happily.

"Sure come next to me" Jamie then sat straight on the floor his arms behind him. We didn't talk for a while just stared into space.

"Silver, you know that I really like you...a lot" He paused. "I want you to meet my parents, your family and I meet your parents and your family" Jamie said making the situation awkward.

"I...err...it's a nice thought, and I like you a lot to, but I don't want to rush things" I looked at Jamie his whole face Red. He's embarrassed; it's not like Jamie to get all blushed up. I smiled at the new side of Jamie I found. "Jamie, I would love to introduce you to my family, my parents will love you too and make their thoughts much more...less wild" I chuckled.

"Then we're on the same page so, you will meet mine?" He replied enthusiastically.

"Well like I said Jamie I don't want to rush things"

"But this isn't" Jamie jumped up "Come on Silver" I bit my lip. If I said no again Jamie would get all upset I guess I would have to agree.

"Okay then I'll meet your parents and you meet mine" I did a short smile.

"Great right I think I should get back to my lesson. Later Silver" He crouched down and kissed my forehead. Then standing up, legging off to class like the good boy he is. I got up a minute after her left.

Kicking stones in my path, I couldn't help but let my mind wonder back to Adrian, why couldn't I get my mind of him? Maybe I should visit him...no that's rude. But... it's just a quick visit I'm sure they won't mind me. Yeah a quick visit just to see how he is.


I stood outside Adrian's front door, what was I doing? Okay I'm just going to walk away, I backed away three steps. Then the door opened.

"Silver?" Adrian stood in front of me, looking the same as always wearing his beige chinos and white vest top. "What are you doing here?"

"I...erm...ill...school" I shook my head. "I thought I'd see how you're doing, you haven't be in school"

"You were worried about me?" He sniggered. "Thought you wouldn't care if I wasn't around"

"Well that was before I hardly knew you, your my friend and friends care for friends" I did a quick smile.

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