Waking Up With No Memories

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She was startled awake by the loud sounds of machines. The girl opened her eyes to see what was going on. It was all dark except for the occasional light that passed by but she could tell she was in a cage going up.
"Is anybody there?" She yelled but got no response.

She looked around and there were crates scattered around the cage. She got up and opened one and found a switchblade then huddled into a corner of the cage to wait until the cage stopped. Occasionally calling out to someone.
The girl tried to think of anything. How she got there. What was happening. Anything but she could only remember so few things, basic things like riding a bike, reading, music. The most important thing she could remember was Hestia.
My name is Hestia, she thought to herself.

Suddenly the cage sped up and there was a red flashing light and an alarm blaring in Hestia's ears. Then it all stopped. The lights, the alarm, and the cage.
The doors on the top of the cage opened, revealing a blinding light into the cage. Hestia stood up, moved one hand to block the sun and the other holding the knife out. She heard the voices of a couple people. When her eyes adjusted to the sun, she saw at least eight kids standing over the edge of the cage looking at her.

"Another girl?"
"Is that a knife?"
"Where did she get a knife from? Someone asked.
"Probably found it in one of the bloody boxes," Someone said in an accent. Hestia didn't know which or cared.
"Who's going in to get her?"
"I will," the only person with feminine voice said.

An older girl, around fifteen to sixteen climbed down a robe into the change. She had her black hair tied back in a ponytail.
"Get back!" Hestia shouted. "I'm not afraid to stab you!" That wasn't a total lie.
"Hey, I'm not going to hurt you, I just want to help," the girl said. "Just put the knife down and we can get out of this box."
"Why should I?"
"Not like you'll go anywhere just staying in there," someone said, "the box doesn't go back down with someone in it."

Hestia didn't want to stay in the box but she was scared if they would attack her once she got out.
"Everyone just back up, give her some space to get out," the older girl said. The others did as they were told. "You can keep the knife if it makes you feel safer."
Hestia finally decided to leave the box. She put the knife in her pocket and climbed out with the rope. As soon as she got out, she pulled the knife back out.
"Nyx, why'd you let her keep the knife?" One boy asked, not taking his eyes off Hestia. Hestia guessed that was the girl's name.
"She's just scared, she wouldn't actually stab someone," the older girl said as she climbed out. She then looked at Hestia and asked, "Would you?"
"Not unless they did something first."
"See? It'll be fine, just let me handle it." Nyx walked over to Hestia. "I'll explain everything and show you around, just don't hurt anybody." Hestia nodded but kept the knife in her hand.
"Alright, just follow me." Nyx turned to the group of boys, "Just get back to work. Alby, Newt, I'll come see you later."

With that, the boys went back to work and it was just Nyx and Hestia.
"We call this the Glade, we don't know who sent us here but we're working on finding a way out." Nyx explained as the two girls walked.
"Through those walls?" Hestia asked.
"Yep, there's a maze out there that we are still trying to figure out, it's a bit difficult because of how big it is and that we only have some people working on it."
"Why? Is it dangerous?"
"Very, they almost died there multiple times so not just anyone can go in," Nyx said. "We only have three rules, one is not to ever go in the maze, the others are do your part and never hurt another Glader."
"Ok, what would my part be?" Hestia tried her best to seem calm, which surprisingly wasn't that hard even though she was terrified.
"That's what we're going to figure out later, you'll work one of the jobs a day and then we'll pick what you do."
"Got it."
"Before I forgot, do you remember anything at all? Like your name?" Nyx asked
Hestia was reluctant to tell her but trusted the older girl enough. "Hestia, my name is Hestia. Or at least that's what I was called." Hestia didn't know for sure if that was her name but was certain she was called that before. Maybe a nickname if not her real name.
"Huh, two Greek goddess names for the two female gladers," Nyx smiled. "Guess we're the goddesses of the glade aren't we?"
Hestia laughed a little at that. She thought it was funny that both girls were named after goddesses. Maybe their parents liked Greek mythology.

Nyx and Hestia walked around the Glade as Nyx explained everything. The jobs, where they sleep, and answered any questions Hestia asked.
When they passed, one of the groups of people Nyx told Hestia about each person in the group. There weren't many people but everyone did a good job at what they were doing. Then Nyx took Hestia to the biggest building.
"So this is the homestead. Not many people get a room in here but since you're a girl, you can get your own room."
"That sounds nice," Hestia said. She was glad she could get her own room away from others.
"Come on, there's an empty room up here you can use," Nyx gestured for Hestia to follow. "We just need to get some stuff for it but soon it'll be as good as it gets here."

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