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They'd survived.
The Anuk-ite had been defeated. Monroe had ran, for now at least. More people know their secret now, they weren't seen as a threat to people anymore.


Liam sat in the passenger seat of Theo's truck, Nolan sat in one of the back seats. Mason and Corey had gone in Masons car, they were all meeting at the McCall's. The drive was silent, weirdly it wasn't awkward though, not for Theo and Liam at least. In the back Nolan was just observing the both of them, neither Theo nor Liam had really spoke since they'd gotten in Theo's truck, however somehow Nolan was getting some kind of vibe off them, almost like they had hundreds of unsaid things going through the air. He'd only properly met Theo all of 2 hours ago, (of course he had been noticing him for a lot longer) but from what he had gathered Theo was an extremely closed off person, Liam is the only person Nolan had ever seen him actually be around without his shoulders tensed up. Nolan observed people a lot, it's one of the only things he felt he was good at, this is how he caught onto details as simple as tense shoulders, another reason behind him noticing this was the fact that Nolan himself was on edge most of the time, feeling tense and wary around everyone.

The drive went pretty quick, Theo pulled his truck up into Scott's drive, it looked as though everyone else was already inside. Liam was the first to move, he opened the car door about to get out, "Come on, both of you." he said looking at Theo and Nolan, before continuing to get out of the car. Nolan sat completely tensed up, his mind began racing with thoughts, he knew now the supernatural weren't scary killers, not all of them anyway, but how they'd react to someone who used to be on Monroe's side coming into their home, where all their pack would be, he wasn't sure. Theo was controlling his chemo signals, he would not let anyone know how genuinely scared he was to see all the pack again, hear what they will have to say to him, he was about to follow Liam's lead before he noticed the smell of anxiety coming from behind him. He looked at Nolan through the rear view mirror, the boy behind him sensed the eyes on him but couldn't bring himself to look up, "Give us a minute, we will meet you inside?" Theo said, Liam looked at Theo and then turned his head towards Nolan before nodding, turning back to look at Theo again several times before he got to the front door of the McCall house. Old Theo wouldn't care about someone feeling anxious and scared about something but right now he understood and he knew how lonely and scared Nolan must feel.

Once he was sure Liam was inside Theo spoke again. "Scott won't judge you, he isn't going to hold a grudge against you for being manipulated by some crazy hunter bitch." Theo looked into the mirror again as Nolan decided to finally look back at him, "How do you know that?" Nolan asked warily. "Because he's too forgiving of people anyway, him and Liam both are, and it's not like you didn't do the right thing in the end, you helped them win," Theo spoke trying to keep his voice steady "Now come on, it'll be fine."
Nolan gave a weak smile, they both got out of the truck and went into the McCall house, Theo looked around to make himself fully aware of everyone who was in the house as he entered the living room, Mason and Corey stood in the corner closest to where he and Nolan just entered, Scott, Malia and Stiles sat on one of the 2 couches in the room, Derek, Lydia, Peter, Ethan and Jackson were seated on the other couch, which was bigger than the first. Liam was stood next to the sofa where Scott was, as the two boys entered the room everyone's conversations continued, Liam looked up and his lips twitched slightly as he noticed Theo. Everyone in the room had noticed Theo and Nolan's appearance, they gave small smiles or wary glances (the glances were mainly aimed at Theo) Mason seemed to recognise Nolan's uneasiness and decided to come over towards him. After Mason and Nolan began speaking he seemed a lot more at ease and not as anxious.

Theo was debating if he should leave, he had been on his way out of Beacon Hills anyway when Scott had called him, he looked around the room seeing if anyone would notice if he left, if it actually would matter. Just as Theo had almost made his decision to leave he spotted Corey's eyes on him. Corey raised his eyebrows at Theo knowingly and moved towards him, "Thinking about running?" he murmured loud enough so Theo was the only one that was likely to hear, Theo didn't know when he had become so readable to people, he probably wasn't actually, maybe just to Liam, and apparently Corey. He wasn't that surprised that the other boy had seemed to know what he was thinking, he'd spent months on end following Theo's and the Dread Doctors orders, that was one of Theo's biggest regrets honestly, using people such as Corey, Hayden, Tracy and Josh to get power. That's also something that happened once he came back from Hell, Guilt. The overwhelming feeling of guilt and regret, he hated himself for everything he had done but he wouldn't tell anyone that. He wasn't going to let anyone know that he really was just weak after all.

Theo eventually replied to Corey, "I'm not sure whether it would be best to run or stay." His eyes made their way to Liam, who was looking at him already so it seemed, they looked at eachother for a moment and then Liam went back to his conversation with Scott. "When I first saw you after you came back I would've told you to run, and never come back, because no one needs you." Theo gulped at Corey's words, he knew they were true of course, that didn't mean it felt good to hear, "But now I think you should stay," Theo lifted his head and looked at Corey in total shock causing the other to laugh lightly, "Yeah I know, I'm shocked too, but I can see you've changed and I think maybe I could forgive you and we could, we could even be friends," he laughed at his own words, old Theo would've laughed right back at him and told him he didn't care about friendships, but he didn't think that was true anymore, "Also he needs you, he doesn't realise it yet but he will, Mason told me he can be so oblivious. I think you might need him too, even if you never admit it out loud." Theo looked Corey not really knowing what to say, he decided to give him a smile, one of the genuine ones he'd only ever used when Liam did something or said something that made his stomach flutter. Both boys looked at eachother and nodded lightly before Corey made his way over to Mason and Nolan who seemed to be talking about some kind of Marvel movie.

The McCall's living room felt nice right now, it felt homely and like they could all relax, even just for a moment.

A/N : This is my first Teen Wolf fic I've ever wrote so forgive me if it's awful-
Also this is just the beginning of this story but the older members of the pack probably won't be mentioned or appear half as much as the puppy pack and if they do it'll likely be Malia or Lydia. The other characters will have more storyline but this was just to kind of set the scene i guess?? Anyway I hope this was okay and didn't suck!

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