Ch 15: Glasgow Garage Party

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There was no better place to lose oneself than Scotland's largest club. Somebody had driven a giant yellow truck through the entrance and left it hanging there, as if they'd given up on trying to get it out. A bouncer squatted at the doors below like a toad, bug-eyed and frozen, ready to flick somebody between the eyes with lightning speed the moment they failed to pass the test.

"Shite," I said, stalling on the asphalt. "I don't know that guy."

Fallon looked at me sideways. "Why does that matter?"

"I used to have an arrangement with the old bouncer," I explained. "He'd let me in for free."

"Money's not an issue," Nate said with a frown.

"I don't have ID," I followed up, grimacing at how juvenile it sounded. 24 years old and I had no paperwork to show for it. I was practically a ghost in the system, thanks to being driven from my ancestral home by an army of rabid wolves.

Addy let out an exasperated sigh. "You there," she said, snapping her fingers at a cluster of gangly men. "Give me your number."

After some obnoxious hollering and shoving at each other, the most confident one stepped forward, flicking out his business card.

"Like what you see?" he asked, giving her an appreciative once over.

She looked stunning, to be fair. Addy's hair was scraped back in an immaculate pony-tail that swayed with every one of her steps, and she'd traded in her obnoxious metallics for a navy mini dress that complimented her tan.

"Don't get the wrong idea," she said imperiously, snatching it off him. "I'm just blocking you in advance."

He went red as a tomato as Nate and Fallon closed him off with their shoulders. I felt a stab of pity for the poor man, but it was quickly chased away by curiosity. The half-witch muttered a quick spell and blew lightly on the bit of cardboard, fanning it like she was drying the ink. My eyes widened as the colours rippled and changed, settling into a rather unattractive mugshot on a license. My license, apparently.

"What?" Addy asked innocently, fluttering her fake eyelashes. "It had to look realistic."

She was a nettle of a woman, but I couldn't help but poke at her. "Anything to make yourself feel better," I said sweetly, following up with a more genuine: "Thank you. I do appreciate it."

Her icy glare thawed a little. "You're welcome," she said grudgingly.

Nate sauntered straight for the entrance, but I tugged on the sleeve of his black turtleneck and pointed towards the line. It was already long, even though the place was only just opening. "We're doing this properly," I insisted. "It's my last night to be a normal girl."

He looked like I'd punched him, falling back a step. Fallon replaced him, elbowing me gently as he leaned down to ask: "What was your arrangement?"

I almost shivered at the depth of his baritone, but I could tell he was equally affected by my party dress. It was a single slip of black silk that ran down to my knees, with a daring slit running up the length of my thigh and a v-neck that skimmed the lace of my new lingerie. My hair was done up in a messy knot, designed to be pulled out when the right song came on and I was ready to really let loose.

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