Ch 7: No Goodbyes

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Addy was out cold when I woke only a few hours later. The cold, grey dawn was reaching through the gaps in the curtains, prodding at my puffy face, telling me it was time to get up and work.

I slipped out from the ratty covers like a ghost, pale and dangerously naked, for all my clothes were either torn, muddy or dripping seawater as they hung from from the bathroom towel rack. I felt a pin-prick of guilt as I pinched one of the Addy's cocktail dresses and squeezed my way through its gullet, wincing at the slight rip of the seams at my hips as I wriggled into the ruthlessly tight fit. Why couldn't she be a flowing sun-dress kind of girl? Or even better, an oversized tracksuit lover who prioritised comfort over glamour?

I padded downstairs on bare feet, sequins rustling softly with every step. The breakfast buffet was already open, serving soggy hash browns, rubbery eggs and watered down coffee. Patrons hid their sagging eyes behind complimentary newspapers, only two days old.

Denise looked even worse than they did. She was sitting on a stool behind the bar, head slumped on the bench before the till.

"Big night?" I asked wryly, leaning against the bar.

The blonde startled awake. "Hi, what can I get for you today?"

I pulled a face. "Girl, you did not just use your customer service voice on me."

Her blue eyes widened with recognition. "You scared the shit out of me, Fell."

I chuckled. "You make it so easy. How are you feeling?"

It was hard to stay mad at her, especially when she didn't do anything wrong. It was strange to think I'd found a potential life partner in Fallon last night, when I was still irrationally wound up about Nate at the same time. And I didn't actually have a future to share with either of them.

Denise groaned. "I've got a big headache, and I don't remember much to be honest."

My eyebrows flew up. "You don't remember going upstairs with Nate?"

She gasped. "Oh god. I totally embarrassed myself, didn't I?"

"Denise, I'm sure it was fine."

"He was so perfect, and I basically dragged him upstairs, even though he wanted to wait for you guys to come back. And then when I finally got there —"

She hung her head in her hands and groaned.

I grimaced. "You puked, didn't you?"

"I'm pretty sure I passed out next to the toilet," she wailed. "And then he cleaned me up and tucked me into bed like I was a child. Kill me."

"Denise," I said, stressing the last part of her name in mock horror.

"That's it. I'm going back to the states. Changing my hair and my name and starting fresh."

"I'd kill to go with you," I muttered, right as somebody thundered down the stairs, their turquoise eyes wide with panic.

"Where is she?" Nate barked at Denise, a second before he registered my presence.

"Good morning to you too," I said dryly.

Fallon and Addy followed close behind, one looking distinctly more awake than the other. I tried to catch Fallon's eye, but his gaze was ruthlessly pragmatic, only searching for injuries and weapons before fixing on the nearest exits.

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