Ch 33: Double Trouble

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Nate turned my hand over, locking eyes with Fallon as he pressed a kiss to my palm. "Should we leave her like this?" he asked, voice dropping faster than my panties would if they weren't already crumpled on the floor.

Fallon's slate-grey eyes slid towards me, heavy with lust. "I suppose it would be unkind," he said, bringing my other hand up to his lips. Instead of kissing it, however, he sank his teeth into my flesh, a firm and yet gentle love bite.

I shuddered with need, pressing my thighs together to ease the tension building between them. Nate chuckled, easing up onto the desk and pulling me into his lap, so that his thighs corralled mine. I could feel his erection prodding against the small of my back, which made something hot and slippery pool from my core, onto the polished wood beneath us.

Fallon dropped to his knees, but he was so tall it brought him eye level with my knees. I gasped when he grabbed my legs and wrenched them apart, grunting at Nate in that wordless way of his to get the Crown prince to hook his feet around my ankles.

I tested the new restraints and found them pleasantly strong; my legs were locked in place, rendering me vulnerable to the teasing trail of Fallon's coarse hands along the smooth skin of my calves. I squirmed in place, earning a tut from Nate, who was unlacing my dress at the back and folding the material down, gathering it under my breasts and buoying them up.

"You're exquisite," Fallon said, pressing a wet kiss to the inside of my thigh. I twitched involuntarily, but Nate's body was effective as any binding, making my muscles tense even more.

"The most beautiful woman I've ever seen," Nate added, as he nuzzled at my throat. I arched back against him, exposing my neck, and he growled his approval. "Good girl."

I didn't know where to look. Who to address. All I knew was that I'd been brought back to the edge of a cataclysmic orgasm and I was seconds from losing my mind.

"Please," I begged, gyrating my hips. I was utterly at their mercy, and I wanted them to ravage me. To plunder my body, eat their fill, use me like I was the ultimate object of all their desires.

Nate leaned forward to whisper in my ear. "Tell him what you want," he said, cupping my breasts and pinching my nipples. I jolted against him, hips thrusting into the air as sparks shot down into my core. "I want to feel you writhe beneath him."

My breath came quicker as my eyes locked with Fallon's. "Is this okay?" I asked, looking for a sign of trouble. They had been throwing each other across the room only a few minutes ago.

"I live to serve," he said, with the usual dry humour, but his tone was decidedly raspy.

"I want..." Gods, why did I feel embarrassed all of a sudden? I had two gorgeous men waiting on my every word. It was my deepest fantasy brought to life. "I want you to touch me."

Nate chuckled, the sound reverberating through my back, but Fallon was deadly serious.

"Here?" the Lathurna prince asked, pressing a kiss inside my knee.

"Higher," I breathed, squirming against him.

He kissed midway along my thigh. "Here?"

"Stop playing with me," I whined. "You know where!"

Fallon chuckled, a sound that made the bulge pressing into my back swell even more. That Nate was driven so wild but had to check his lust, to wait his turn while Fallon lavished me with attention... The desk was slippery now as I shifted in place. I could scarcely believe I'd been fucked into satiation just a few hours ago; it felt like I'd been craving this orgasm for months.

"I think I do," Fallon growled, ripping through my skirts and tossing aside the incriminating fabric. I sucked in a sharp breath as he parted my folds with both thumbs, swiping the flat of his tongue over the entrance, pressing and dragging that sweet pressure all the way up to my clit.

"Holy fuck," I whispered, losing control of my body for an instant. I went like jelly in Nate's arms, and he rewarded my responsiveness by nuzzling at that sweet spot in my throat, suckling gently. One hand twined in my hair, holding my head back, while the other skimmed the bottom of my breast. He grabbed a handful and started kneading it like dough. An incoherent sound slipped from my throat. It might have been embarrassing if I wasn't so fucking horny.

Fallon's tongue started to work the bud in earnest, prodding it through the protective folds, making the sensitive nub swell and strain through. I bucked my hips against his face, vaguely aware of my skin turning sticky as heat coursed through my blood. It plastered my hair to my forehead, my dress to my back, as my sex clenched and wept to find itself empty.

"Please," I whispered, almost delirious. "I need..."

They both sensed it through the bond. Nate grasped both of my breasts, tweaking my puffy nipples as Fallon inserted a broad, calloused fingers into my aching centre, kneading the spongey flesh that had dropped to my entrance in response to my need. I heard it squelch as he fucked me lovingly with his hand, using the heal of his palm to rub my folds, all the while he sucked my clit into his mouth and rolled it gently between his teeth.

I fucked his hand right back, impaling myself as much as Nate's grip on my legs allowed. Gods, I needed this. I needed this more than anything I'd ever needed in my life. I needed to —

"Come for him, baby," Nate growled in my ear. Every time I ground against Fallon's hand, I basically dry-humped Nate. "Come for us."

I didn't need to be told twice. I let go with a roar, which Nate stifled by clapping a hand over my mouth, groaning when I bit down on it in delirious pleasure. Fallon kept fucking me through the orgasm like last time, making the need coil up instead of dissipate, until I shattered again and again and again. Only when I begged for him to stop, for it was growing to be too much, did he finally let me rest.

I sagged against Nate's chest, boneless and spent. He pressed a kiss to my temple just as Fallon pressed a kiss against the inside of my thigh, and my heart melted in that moment. I could taste happiness on the tip of my tongue.

All I had to do was take it.

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Would you choose Nate or Fallon, if you had to pick one?

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