Ch 49: Knife Point

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I let out a feral, throaty groan as my body sucked Fallon deeper — and deeper. There was scarcely any room with Nate buried to the hilt beneath me, and I had to breathe through a moment of discomfort as I adjusted to both of their impressive girths.

Full. That was the word for it — that strange, not unpleasant feeling as Nate lowered himself onto the bed, with only a sliver of hesitance as he finally relinquished control. I was so used to him being a dominant lover that it felt strange to ride him; as much as I could move when speared by two gigantuan cocks, of course.

My fingers twined through Nate's as I followed his lead, granting Fallon easier access to my backside. Pleasure was quick to wash away the temporary prickle of pain as he pulled back and drove in again with agonising patience and precision, swearing softly as he bottomed out.

Nate stiffened beneath me, the veins in his throat going taut. "I can feel you," he groaned, bucking his hips. It was more instinct than choice.

Fallon huffed a laugh that twitched through the joining of our bodies, setting all kinds of nerves alight. I squirmed in place, my breasts feeling unbearably heavy as they swayed, nipples draping over Nate's golden chest.

"Are you okay?" the giant leaned down to whisper in my ear. "Is it too much?"

"Not enough," I panted, trying to push, or pull, or grind — anything for the slightest bit of friction, but I was trapped between a rock and a hard place, utterly at their mercy.

Nate was right — their members were rubbing against each other through the thin wall that separated both of my channels, driving all our pleasure to new heights. I could sense the dark satisfaction in Fallon's thoughts, even if he wouldn't say it aloud. By fucking me, it would be like he was fucking Nate, too.

The idea turned Nate on more than he cared to admit.

The Lathurna prince gave me what I asked for, pumping in and out — never all the way, lest I have to adjust to his size again. Nate followed suit, and the slightly off-beat rhythm they picked up made me tremble.

An orgasm fluttered closer, the muscles in my legs squeezing tight. My men started to thrust a little harder, a little faster, pumping into the tight press of my body as it clenched around them, earning all kinds of filthy curses that made sparks fly behind my eyes. Nate's cheeks were a delightful shade of pink that made the blue of his eyes pop, sweat making his hair stick to his forehead, to the sheets below.

Everything was so hot. The press of their bodies was scorching, smothering, drowning me in heat. I felt like I was in heat as I writhed, only for Fallon to grip my hips and hold me firmly in place, taking control of the pace.

"Mine," Fallon growled, biting down on the back of my neck again. I shuddered at the sheer dominance in that hold, the fact that he had my spine between his teeth.

There was an answering groan below. "Mine," Nate snarled, angling his hips to thrust deeper, harder.

Fallon matched his energy, slamming into me. Suddenly it felt like they were trying to fight for dominance through me, like they were each fucking for the upper hand. My eyes rolled into the back of my eyes and my legs turned to jelly, splaying even flatter on the mattress as they fucked me into oblivion. Nate freed his hands to grip my breasts, pulling one of my nipples into his mouth, laving the rosebud with his tongue.

A warning shivered through me. That was all I had, that split second of leg-quaking paradise before the orgasm detonated my entire world.

Every sense exploded into white, searing light. A heat so hot it turned cold. A pressure so intense that it crushed their climaxes from them, too. Nate moaned and Fallon bellowed as hot, ropy cum splattered my inner walls, the bitter scent of their seed filling the air, the hot liquid squelching and merging between all of us, mixing with every mad thrust. The princes turned feral in that moment, fucking me ruthlessly hard and fast through their pleasure, wringing yet another orgasm from me right at the very end.

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