Ch 20: Walk of Shame

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I was still dreaming when I woke on that dusty old couch, moulded to the woman I'd spent the night furiously trying not to make love to. She'd pushed me up against the backrest, her butt sticking out as her knees curled into her chest, hands clasped in silent prayer by her soft mouth. She looked so young and peaceful when she was sleeping.

It had been near impossible to use her the way she'd asked; to fuck her with no strings attached, leaving all emotion behind. My initial curiosity turned to wonder when I discovered the tight muscle beneath her perfectly soft skin; the fighter's guard she lowered as the night wore on, entrusting her pleasure and her safety to me. Aurora — nay, Fell — was a damn enigma. Like the lure of an arresting view before the sudden drop of a cliff.

My body followed the curve of hers instinctively, certain parts of it already hardening in response to her soft skin and tantalising scent. Fell's head rested on my bicep, her errant hair tickling my cheek, and I took a deep breath of her earthy scent, fighting the urge to move. Even though I really needed to piss.

Thinking somebody ought to give me a medal for my restraint, I resigned myself to the slow tick of the clock on the wall, watching the minutes crawl by as I tried not to squirm with discomfort for fear of disturbing her. I'd seen the burnout looming behind her eyes. The way she sought solace in a bottle. Fell needed all the rest she could get.

And then there was the selfish part of me that just wanted to stay here, to continue our liberating arrangement from the previous night. Just a guy and just a girl. She had no idea how much it meant to me to shed my real identity like a snake skin and emerge brand new, leaving the trappings of my old life behind.

I briefly considered delaying the inevitable, inventing excuses to keep us from returning to the Crown estate. We could borrow a few weeks for etiquette training, couldn't we? Prepare her for the vicious wolves of society in every way possible? As much as I planned to try, I would not always be there to protect her, and I suspected Fell was the kind who liked to fight her own battles anyhow.

The scars on her hands were evidence enough. And I had a creeping sense that they were just the beginning.

My phone buzzed on the coffee table. Rather than jerk awake, Fell stiffened, long used to avoiding the attention of predators.

"Good morning sunshine," I said, kissing behind her ear.

"Aren't you going to get that?" she asked wryly, realising the jig was up.

"Nah. They'll ring again if it's important."

I kissed along her neck as the phone continued to vibrate, and was promptly rewarded by soft, breathy laughter.

The phone went dead silent. Both our heads turned towards it, waiting, wondering.

It picked up again almost immediately, clattering against the table so hard that it crawled sideways, as if inching towards my grasp.

"Sorry, I have to take this," I said with a grimace, stomach plummeting when I saw the caller ID. What the hell was I supposed to tell him? Hey, I accidentally fucked your fated mate last night after ditching you.

Only there was nothing accidental about it. Shame seared my cheeks; I was a bad friend.

Especially because I'd do it all again.

"Hello?" I asked, picking up the call.

Fallon breathed an audible sigh of relief. "Where the hell are you?"

"We're still out," I said cheerily. "At a pub."

"A pub? Nate, it's seven in the morning."

"Hair of the dog is the best remedy for a drunken malady," I quipped, earning a soft snicker from Fell.

"Whatever. Just get back here ASAP," Fallon commanded. "I got a call from your dad. He's brought forward the introductory luncheon and said if you're not back in time to host, he's going to sabotage Mila's first season. We have to go."

"Shit," I swore, lurching upright. "We'll be there in twenty. Tell Addy to —"

"The portal is already good to go," Addy interrupted, jumping in on the call. "We're just waiting on you to get cracking on that walk of shame. Pull on your pants and move, Nate."

So much for weeks of training Aurora how to play the part of a high bred lady. She'd missed out on years of etiquette lessons, and I could already tell from the way she tore into each meal that she'd freak out at the sight of seventeen spoons. While I rather liked her strange vitality, I genuinely feared for whoever had to try and strap her into a whalebone corset; one accidental prick and they'd probably lose their hands. Or their heads.

If it wasn't for Mila, I would have said to hell with the introduction ceremony and the first balls of the season. It ran from spring through summer; I would have had months to prepare her. To get to know her privately. Intimately.

And for Fallon to do the same. So that she could make an informed decision at the end of the day. Who to love, if either of us.

But Fallon's family had suffered enough at the hands of mine. I owed this to him.

Especially after last night, when I'd taken his girl.

My girl, hissed a savage part of me.

Yes. There was that, too.

And then there was the other thing. That pesky rebellion I'd accidentally found myself the secret informant of. The rebellion that needed its rightful heir back in power, as a sign to mobilise all those who lay in wait, refusing to take action until they were sure the Fates had decreed it.

I ran my hand through my hair, sighing through my nose. Why couldn't things ever be simple?

I turned around to catch Fell up, but she was already dressed. Pity.

"We have to go," I said grimly. "It's —"

"Fallon's sister," she interjected, slinging her hair up in a new ponytail. "It figures the Crown Pack would hold her hostage."

I winced at the casual accusation, the distaste that so clearly underlay it. Even though it was deserved.

"I'll hail a cab," I said, not looking forward to this in the slightest.

Addy was right. It was going to be the ultimate walk of shame.

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