Ch 39: For Love

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With only ten minutes left until midnight, we hurried through the castle halls in just our socks, our sneakers strung around our necks. Sweat beaded on my forehead as Fallon led the way, weaving around the patrols and stationary guards with an efficiency that warmed my blood all over again.

Fallon knew which guards to trust and which to steer clear of. But it wasn't until we made it to the entrance of the keep, and the men on duty saluted him, that I realised he didn't simply command their respect as a Lathurna prince.

He was one of them.

"If we're not back by the change of the guard, you know what to do," Fallon said tersely. "And if you're taken in for questioning, tell them the truth: that I took my lady out for a romantic picnic in the hedge maze, where we mightn't be disturbed."

Looking at the moonlight silvering his neat, black hair, I found myself wishing desperately that was the truth of our mission: a secretive getaway, two lovers looking to carve out a space for their passion in a cruel, uncaring world.

The men nodded. "Yes sir," the one on the right whispered.

We shucked on our shoes, then wrapped black rags around them, to displace our weight and stop the gravel from crunching too loudly.

Fallon surprised me, then; he scooped me up into his arms, carrying me down the steps like a bride.

We have to make it look convincing, he sent through the bond, sensing my unspoken question. I didn't dare to make a noise; lycans had extraordinary hearing, and all it would take was one snoopy noble to get the wrong impression while enjoying a late night cigarette on their balcony.

One window was already alight in the second tallest tower. The strong cut of Fallon's stubbled jaw faded as I looked past him, up at silhouette framed by the yellow glow. A princely figure, leaning out over the windowsill, like a forlorn Royal trapped by a fire-breathing dragon, dreaming of salvation.

I raised a hand. Nate raised one back.

Fallon took a left turn, into the rose gardens. Proud bushes and wicker trellises hid the tower from view. I felt a stab of regret that the Pendragon prince was unable to come with us. It was bad enough that Fallon insisted on coming, when Lady Evergreen's missive asked me to come alone, but I couldn't argue that I'd needed his assistance to bypass the patrols in a timely fashion.

The opening of the hedge maze came into view. My chest stiffened at the sight of the shadowy figure waiting for us by the entrance, her robes black as ink and still as dead water, even in a breeze that lifted the ends of my hair.

"It took you long enough," Addy sneered, folding her arms.

Fallon paused. Now that our thoughts were twined, I could sense how deep his suspicion ran. Something had always felt off about the girl, but she was Nate's cousin, so he'd always forced himself to give her the benefit of the doubt.

"I was supposed to go alone," I grumbled, tapping Fallon's shoulder.

He let me down gently. I ripped off the rags on my shoes that I didn't even get to use, stuffing them under the foliage of the nearest hedge, pushing them deep against the roots.

"Tough titties," Addy said over her shoulder as she walked into the maze. "You want me to find Aurora? This is how."

My breath caught in my throat. "You think Lady Evergreen has her?"

"I already know where she is. The cook squealed like a pig. These people just have something I need to get inside."

"Inside..." I trailed off with a frown, the silence punctuated by the crunch of gravel underfoot. Hedges rose on either side, like a giant throat swallowing the stars. "So she's somewhere in the keep."

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