alone with five - 🙏🏻

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WARNING!! ; this imagine will contain what some people (including myself) would consider rape. five will be touching y/n in her sleep, without her consent, and he will say/do creepy things as he does such. IF YOUR UNCOMFORTBALE, DO NOT READ!!! this is kind of like a yandere imagine. i in no way support rape or unconsensual touch, having being a rape victim myself.

five slowly crept into his and y/n's shared room, and smiled eerily at the image of y/n sleeping peacefully. he padded his way over to her slowly, crawling into the ned next to her.

without her knowledge, he had put in sleeping pills along with a muslce relaxer into her drink that night, and to some that might seem sweet, but he did this for a reason, and that reason was to be able to touch y/n while she was knocked out, five already knowing that she would disagree with his pursuing and persuading for her to let him touch her intimately.

"you look so beautiful in this skimpy nightdress," he muttered, a smirk eerily plastered on his face. he moved his hand over her curvy hips, biting back a groan as he moved her nightgown up slightly and seeing the small wet spot on her underwear. he could just barely see her hardened nipples, and he ran a hand up below her left rib, y/n unconsciously whimpering.

he circled his index finger over her nipple, making her furrow her eyebrows at the pleasure. she whined out breathily, making five grin creepily down at her. he slid his finger down to her clothed area, slightly adding pressure to her clit, stifling a loud groan as he watched her hips buck up in pleasure.

he stiffened as he realized she was slowly waking up, and pressed an urgent kiss to her lips, and then blinked away.

y/n woke up, disoriented and sat up, looking around as she furrowed her eyebrows. she could've sworn she had felt someone touching her in her sleep, but she wasn't sure if she was just having a wet dream or if someone actually had been.

regardless, she couldn't let go of the creeping feeling that someone was watching her carefully. she looked around the room, her eyes landing on the closed closet doors and she could've sworn up and down that she saw a blue light flash.

VOLUME I ━ five hargreevesWhere stories live. Discover now