why do you want to know my name? pt. 2 - 🦽

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credits to grynch4554 for the support on the series of imagines :)

"I want you," The boy kissed down your neck, causing shivers to go down your spine. You placed your hands onto his chest, suddenly overwhelmed with everything that was happening.

"How long have you been watching me?" You asked hesitantly, scared for a second as his eyes hardened.

"For as long as I can remember," began Five, looking faraway, "I have been searching for you. I firet saw you before the apocalypse, looking as beautiful as ever and since then, I've been looking everyday and everywhere."

You pulled back in surprise, looking over him before whispering quietly, "Why me?" He looked darkly over you, smiling widely but not saying anything about your question - imstead, he leant down and pressed his lips against yours, smirking against your lips as he heard you whimper. You ran your nails up his chest and into his hair, tugging at it gently.

"Wait," you said, pulling back for air. He simply dove down to bite and suckle at your neck, swiftly opening up your blouse before suckling softly on the tops of your breasts. He hummed in response, waiting for your question. "I don't even know your name," you realized, and he chuckled gently before looking up at you, his lashes fluttering against his upper cheekbones.

"Five," he whispered, before diving back down to your neck and chest. You played with his hair, twisting it in between your fingers and you gasped almost inaudiblely as you felt him slide his hand into your pants. His fingers brushed against your clit, making you jolt forward in surprise. You stifled a moan as he ran his finger up your slit, and he tutted gently.

"I want to hear you, Y/N," whispered he softly, looking prettily up at you. You smiled weakly down at him, arching your hips up slightly as he slid your pants and knickers off. He lowered his face down to your crotch, his warm breath fanning across your wet pussy. He smirked before leaning down and latching his tongue onto your clit, sucking harshly.

You let out a high-pitched moan, unexpectedly making it sound like a small scream. He smirked against you, flicking his tongue against your clit several times before he replaced his tongue with his index finger, now focusing his tongue onto your opening. He licked up from your opening to your clit, making you arch your back. He peessed the heels of his hands to your lower abdomen, pushing down just lightly enough for pressure to run through.

That move made you swoon, and you became very vocal as you reached your climax. Before you could release, however, he pulled back. His chin and lips were glistening and his lips were swollen and red. He smiled widely at you, his perfect white teeth shining against his slightly tan skin. His green orbs flicked across your own E/C eyes, and you smiled gently at him.

He began to u zip his pants, pulling them down and along with his boxers. He began to position himself against you, before you blurted out for him to stop, suddenly nervous. "Whats wrong, darling?" he asked, concern etched onto his features. You looked to the side, suddenly embarrassed by the fact that you had never been there with someone so intimately that you had gotten to the sex stage.

You explained this to him, and he smiled softly. "Thats alright, darling," cooed Five, stroking your hip softly. "I'll be very gentle..." he whispered, slowly pushing in. You gasped loudly, jolting forward slighty with immense pleasure, and you cried out in a mixture of pain and pleasure as he rocked his hips against yours gently. He furrowed his eyebrows, worried he was hurting you.

He stopped, letting you adjust before going deeper and rocking slowly. His breaths soon became labored, and he held his breath as he watched your body squirm and shake as he fucked you gently. He felt the urge to just use your body as he pleased, but for now, his main focus was your pleasure and your own happiness. You cried softly before the pain soon faded away into pleasure, and you gasped each time he moved in you.

"F-faster, Five," you cried out, gasping as he began to move faster, slowly losing his self-control to his burning desire and his utter urge to just completely ruin you as he used your body.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck!" he shouted, pumping faster and even faster, deeper and even deeper, reaching your sweet spot and letting out a strangled moan/groan as he bucked his hips faster, stringing along a line of curse words. He panted heavily as you felt him swell inside of you, before the burning hot coil in your stomach snapped, and you came on his dick.

It made it easier to slide deeper into you, and he surely took this opportunity. He leaned his head back, his mouth open wide, his eyes squeezed shut and his eyebrows furrowd as he let out moans and whimpers, along with curses. He grabbed your hips harshly, surely to leave bruises later for you to marvel at, and soon came after yourself.

He collapsed onto your chest, not crushing you but making it slightly hard to breathe. He let out a deep breath before sighing and falling asleep right there on your chest. You smiled to yourself before you started to play with his hair gently,, swirling his light curls around as you felt yourself slip in and out of consciousness and then falling asleep.

VOLUME I ━ five hargreevesWhere stories live. Discover now