gifts ━ 💃🏼

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all tidings to any holiday you celebrate ! 🫶🏻🌺

(y/n) sighed as she slowly began to wake up. she patted the side next her, expecting to be met with the sensation of a body, and she looked over to the side where five usually slept, but it was empty. she frowned, sitting up rather dazed, and looked around the shared room she slept in with five. it was weird ━ she felt like she was missing something important.

getting up, she went to go check on her and five's daughter, who was also gone. knowing that (y/d/n)'s was very much a morning owl, (y/n) wasn't exactly worried. five might've gone to work early today, but when she looked at the clock, it said it was 7 o'clock, which meant that five didn't leave early.

frowning deeper, and with a rising panic in her chest, (y/n) made her rounds searching the house, until finally, she heard a peal of laughter. she let out a breath of relief, and walked into the kitchen, seeing five and their daughter cooking what seemed like ham and eggs. (y/n) watched as (y/d/n)'s threw flour at her dad, and five sputtered mindlessly, his face covered in white flour.

"thats it, munchkin!" he roared playfully, running towards their daughter and scooping her up as she squealed with laughter. (y/n) winced at the loud, piercing sound and finally made her presence known as she walked in and pressed a kiss to five's cheek, her hand resting on his lower back.

"seems like (d/n) hasn't learned her lesson on not throwing flour on daddy, huh?" (y/n) said playfully, raising an eyebrow at her daughter as she giggled innocently.

"it wasn't my fault!" insisted the little girl. "daddy was pissing me off ━"

"(d/n)! " five gasped, seeming shocked at the little girls language. "w-where did you ever hear that word?" (y/n) gave five an unimpressed look, knowing that he had most definitely taught her that word, and (d/n) confirmed it as she outed her dad. he clapped a hand over her mouth, chuckling nervously as he looked at you.

"i have no idea where she learned that word from, swear on my life," said five quickly. y/n patted his chest, rolling her eyes and walking over to the counter to help fix up Christmas breakfast. after that was done, and the little monster was fed and full, the little family walked over to the living room.

"okay, d/n," five began, looking her sternly in the eyes. she looked back just as seriously, playing along. "you've been a very good little girl this year, haven't you?" the little girl nodded frantically, her eyes sparkling. y/n watched with a loving smile, her eyes filled with hearts as she stared at her life long partner.

"good," he said, picking her up with a grunt and placing her on his lap. "now listen, your mommy and i got you a present thats in our room. . . do you wanna see it now or later?"

"now!" the girl squealed, going to jump off her dad's lap before he caught her midair, placing her back on his lap. "now, listen here, you little goofball," said five, looking stern again. "this present needs a lot of care and love. can you be nice to it very much? it hasn't been through some good times, and we need to help it so that it can have good memories. whadda you say, munchkin?"

"yeah! lets go, lets go, lets go!" the little girl trilled, jumping off his lap and pulling on his hand. "d/n, you gotta remember that this is your only Christmas present this year, okay?" y/n said, her voice soothing and soft. five looked over at her with heart eyes, his legs feeling like jelly when he saw her interact with their daughter with so much love.

"thats okay, mommy! i will cherish it very much, so i don't mind one bit!" d/n said, now demanding the parents to show her her present. the little family opened the parents bedroom door, where in a small box, laid a curled up puppy.

"awwww!" the little girl cooed, running over to the puppy and cooing at him till he waked up. the little girl looked up at her parents, waiting patiently for them to say she could hold him. "can i touch him, daddy?" she asked, her voice turning sickly sweet and her doe eyes widening with sweet innocent.

five glanced at y/n, waiting till she nodded slowly. "be careful bout it, princess," five said, helping his daughter carefully maneuver the weak puppy into her arms. she started crying softly as she cooed at the little puppy, pressing a sweet kiss to puppy's head. making the puppy mewl out sweetly.

"awww! i swear i'm having heart palpitations, mommy," the little girl said, looking up at her parents who smiled down at their daughter. y/n kneeled down next to d/n, and wrapped an arm around her daughter, pressing a kiss to her head as she scooted closer to her, stroking the puppy's head softly as d/n stroked his backside.

five sat down on the other side of d/n, rubbing her back gently as she thanked them over and over again, setting the puppy down carefully to hug her parents.

"i love you, guys," the little girl said, giggling as the puppy barked softly, moving over to cuddle the little bundle of joys, and the family gladly welcomed him.

the family sat there for a while, talking happily among hushed voices as the puppy slowly fell back asleep. out on the open windowsill. sat a pair of blue birds with their little flock of blue bird babies, the flock family chirping happily as snow fell down the roof and the sun glowed warmly around the heartwarming scene.

(for this chapter anyways)

VOLUME I ━ five hargreevesWhere stories live. Discover now