beautiful girl - 🙏🏻

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credits to Katerina_Barnes for the idea! *ps; i acc love this idea, and it was rlly fun writing it, but i've moved five's age to about 15-16, just so that it heals my dirty mind ;(*


Five and I have been best friends ever since we were old enough to talk. He was the smart and sarcastic friend, whilst I was the dumb and funny friend. Despite our differences, we got along amazingly.

Its been 17 years since he disappeared and there wasn't a day that passed where I don't hear his voice, his last words to me before he left - almost as if he knew he would be gone for this long.

I love you, Y/N.

I hadn't said it back, because firstly, I had thought he had been joking. I quite literally laughed in his face, and tols him it was a good joke. I remember his look of hurt when I had done such and I felt guilty for it every day. I had no idea that I was the first person he felt comfortable with to say such intimate words of feeling.

It was our siblings 20th birthday, and I hadn't celebrated it because one, why would I? Just for a small piece of cake, and a congratulations on making it that far without killing myself? Yeah, I'd rather do the latter than barely even celebrate it.

But you see, I got an unexpected birthday present that day.

Five came back, and I was beyond ecstatic because my childhood crush finally came back after years of being gone - of course, I was going to be happy about that. Seeing as he was now a 16 year ols boy, and I have way older than him, I pushed those feelings deep down, locking them in a drawer that rattled every so often.

I still got flustered around him, and since he hadn't changed his sarcastic and witty attitude, this made me even more uncomfortable that my feelings were trying to resurface because he was still the same boy I fell in love with those many years ago. I just had to let it go - it wasn't right.

"Hey, kiddo?" I look up as I walked into Five's room, immediately yelping and covering my eyes as he was shirtless and in boxers. I heard a faint laugh, before the sound of feet padding. I felt hands snake around my waist and I stiffened.

"Its alright, Y/N," he said gruffly. "You can look - I don't mind."

I placed my hands on his own, removing them all the while my eyes being closed. "I don't want to make you uncomfortable, kiddo-" I heard him groan in annoyance, and his footsteps faltering away.

"Stop calling me that, Y/N!" he demanded, frustrated. "I'm basically older than you, so it should be me who should be calling you kiddo. Besides, I'm not that stupid to call you that anyways, because thats just rude and degrading."

"What if I like being degraded?" I mumbled out, and slapped my hand over my mouth while giggling nervously. He stared at me, the tips of his ears pink and his cheeks red. His eyes were widened as he stared at me, incredulous.

"W-what?!" he sputtered, swiftly walking over to me after he had put on flannel pants. I shook my head, looking away and avoiding his gaze. "Y/N, look at me," he demanded, grabbing my jaw when I disobeyed. He turned my head to face him, and his eyes softened as he traced my bottom lip with his thumb.

He leaned in slowly, my breath catching in my throat as he did so. I placed a hand on his chest, making him narrow his eyes. "Ki- Five... we can't," I breathed out shakily when he hadn't listened, and leaned closer.

"Why?" he asked, desperate and his sweet breath fanning across my face. "Why, Y/N? Do you mean you won't, or that you can't?" his eyes darted from my lips to my eyes, not being able to decide which one to look at.

"I wo.... I can't," I whispered, closing my eyes as he leaned in further. A few centimeters further and we would be kissing. Did I want to kiss him? Would it be wrong?

"Okay... I won't force you to, I promise... Only when you say we can, will I do so. I... I love you, Y/N..." he whispered, leaning back and letting go of my jaw. I opened my eyes and watched as he paused before leaning in quickly to press a gentle kiss to my cheek.

"I- I love you too, Five.." I whispered, leaning my head against his chest and hugging him tightly, almost afraid to lose him again. I couldn't lose him again - I wouldn't let it happen.

I would do anything in my power to make him stay.

VOLUME I ━ five hargreevesWhere stories live. Discover now