you're fucking crazy! pt. 2 - 🙏🏻

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credits to fiveswife8  for the amazing support on the series of imagines. :)

You watched as the axe swung down on you, feeling immense pain before blacking out.

Slowly waking up, you heard movement around the room you were in, and squinted your eyes open just slightly, spotting Five blinking around the room and setting things up. You sat up very slowly, afriad to make noises but as you did, the bed creaked. Five froze, turning around and seeing you sitting up on the bed. He smiled at you, and you saw the dangerous glint in his eyes.

"Morning, sunshine," said Five easily. You went to stand up, and was surprised to see that all your limbs were still intact. Thats weird, you thought. I could've sworn I saw the axe land on me before I fell unconscious... Five must've guessed what you wre thinking because he slowly but surely walked over to you, grabbing your elbow and leading you to the mirror. You gasped loudly as you saw a nasty bruise on your cheek.

It was starting to yellow, but it was still black and purple. Five tutted, shaking his head gently before kissing your shoulder softly from behind. "I guess thats what you get for running away from me, darling," muttered Five, peppering small kisses on your neck. You scowled in disgust, walking away from him and standing by the desk, holding onto the chair for support.

"I wasn't running away," you replied, disgust and fury evident in your tone of voice. "I was trying to find you..." Five perked up at the lie, and narrowed his eyes suspiciously. "Then why were you hiding, Y/N?" he asked, crossing his arms.

"I-I wanted to... to surprise you..." you said weakly, not turning around to face him, knowing that if he saw your face that he would automatically know you were lying. He tutted again, shaking his head once more before sauntering over to you, trapping you against the desk. You stiffened as you felt his chest press flush against your back, feeling him curve himself around you.

"Don't. Lie," he growled lowly, reaching one hand up to cup your throat. You gulped nervously, feeling his grip tighten just barely before his hand traveled down your collarbone and towards your chest. You squirmed, afraid to pull away in fear of making him angry. So you stayed still, letting him fondle with your breasts. You moaned fakely, hoping to get that to stop him.

That obviously wasn't the right move, you thought weakly. He took that fake moan as a sign of encouragement and he moved his hand behind to swiftly unclip your bra, pulling the straps down and then sliding his hands from your back to chest, squeezing your breasts harshly. You gasped in surprise, jolting forward as he squeezed your hard nipple. He chuckled darkly, sucking on the skin that connected your shoulder and neck.

One of his hands traveled down your dress, lifting it up before slipping his hand down your knickers. You froze, your breath hitching as he slowly dragged his index finger down your clit and towards your opening. He pushed the tip of his finger into you, making you gasp gently at the feeling, before pulling it back out and then pushing his finger back in.

He kept a steady pace, groaning at your noises of pleasure. His finger began to go deeper, hitting your g-spot before he added a second finger. You lurched forward, your abdomen hitting the top of the chair and sending a jolt of pleasure down your spine. He then added a thrice finger, pumping into you at a greatly increased speed and curled his fingers.

You let out a shaky moan and tears fell down your face as you came over his fingers, whimpering as he kept plunging his fingers into your pussy. He bit your shoulder as he listened to your sounds, a mix between a groan and a growl ripping through his chest and out of his mouth. You whimpered as you felt your second orgasm barrel forward, stamping your foot on the ground at the feeling of overstimulation. You cried silently, Five mistaking this as tears of pleasure.

He finally got the hint and pulled his fingers out, moving his hand over your shoulder to suckle on his fingers. You gasped in embarrassment, hiding your face in your hands and groaning softly. He merely grinned.

"Lets go to bed, darling," whispered Five, pulling your dress down and leading you to the bed. He laid you down, curling around you and falling asleep soundly as you cried yourself to sleep.

You wanted to go home.

VOLUME I ━ five hargreevesWhere stories live. Discover now