tease ━ 🦽

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heres a lil something since ive been lacking on yall. enjoy 💪😈


I was so fucking frustrated. This morning, while I was just on the brink of waking up, Five fucking Hargreeves decided to be a total and complete asshole towards me, kissing down my neck and whispering in my ear. I could feel his morning hard-on, and how he made the thought that I wouldn't be left not horny is beyond me. He seriously got up, and walked off as if he was sexually frustrated just as I was.

Later that morning, when I was cooking breakfast for everyone, he came up behind me and began to kiss my neck, nibbling and sucking gently and being sure to go torturingly slow. I let out a soft sigh, tilting my head to the side more so he could access more of my neck. Feeling his hard-on behind me, I began to grind against him from behind and made sure to be slow about it, teasing him as he was doing me.

"Whats for breakfast, princess?" he asked, his voice gruff and somehow whimpery. I smirked as I thought of one thing he could eat, but didn't say it out loud. "Bacon and eggs for you guys, and some latkes and eggs too, for me," I replied. Seeing as I was Jewish, I couldn't eat any bacon and Five was always amazed when I cooked traditional food from my religion and culture.

"Can I try the... the..." he struggled to say the name, and I laughed gently. "Latkes?" I asked, amused. He nodded, smiling and kissing my neck once before pulling away and pressing up against me, pinning me to the counter. I let out a soft, almost inaudible moan and he chuckled darkly as he bucked his hips against my behind.

Suddenly, he stood up and walked away from me, grabbing a pot of coffee and serving himself a cup. I glared at him through a side-eye, and I saw him smirk triumphantly. I flipped him off as soon as he turned his back and thats when Klaus decided to enter the kitchen and call me out.

"DEAR Y/N!" he gasped dramatically. "How dare you flip off your lovely boyfriend? Five, you could arrest her! Thats considered a hate crime, dear brother." I rolled my eyes, finishing up the food and setting it on the table. I declared that I would go to change for the day, and as I reached Five's room, I sorted through my more revealing clothes that was bundled up in a pile in the corner of the room, forgotten over the months.

"Aha," I muttered. I picked up a cropped camisole with lace trimming the top and the bottom, then grabbed a short miniskirt that matched the grey cotton shirt, slipping them on effortlessly. I smirked as I thought of a plan for revenge, and made my way towards the kitchen. I ignored Five's wide, angry eyes and sat down next to Klaus. The seat next to me was empty, and Five changed his seat quickly.

Immediately, almost as if it was reflex, he put his hand on my thigh, squeezing it harshly before beginning to eat, acting unbothered while I stayed quiet with satisfaction. "What do you think you're wearing?" asked Five, as quiet as a mouse. I turned my head towards him, my eyes wide and innocent as I licked the rest of the food off the spoon, keeping eye contacts with him. He clenched his jaw as he watched my lips with intense pleasure and his hand squeezed tighter.

"What do you mean?" I asked, my voice quiet and raspy. I slowly brought the spoon down from my lips, sucking on the end gently before putting it down and tilting my head at him slightly in mock confusion. He breathed in deeply, exhaling softly and turned forward, so I did the same, continuing to eat my food. He leant into my side, his lips skimming past my earlobe and nipping softly.

"Last time you played this game, you couldn't walk for a day," he whispered quietly, and I felt my face heat up at the reminder. "Are you really that prepared to make me fuck you into the bed harder and faster than the last time? Would you like that, princess?" I shuddered softly as I nodded just barely, yet he noticed it and he smirked.

"Finish your food, and then meet me in my room in five minutes, understand? If I'm there and you're not stripped on my bed waiting for me, it will be even worse for your poor body," he whispered, leaning back and blinking away. I let out a soft breath, and looked discreetly over the table, hoping that nobody saw the interaction between Five and I. They hadn't, thankfully, as they were all in their own worlds.

I scarfed down the food, made the dishes fly towards the sink and then walked my way towards Five's room. I opened the door quietly, and looked around. Five wasn't here yet, so I quickly stripped down to my undergarments and went to his bed, laying down with my knees bent and my feet touching the ground. I waited impatiently for Five, wondering what was taking him so long when there was a blue light enveloping the room and he was there, right in front of me at my feet. He smirked down at me.

I propped myself onto my elbows, tilting my head back to watch as he unbuttoned his shirt and took it off. He slowly took his belt off, and I watched in a trance as he did so, jumping lightly when he snapped the belt together. He chuckled darkly and then leaned forward, taking my bra off gently and gathering my hands, putting them above my head and tying the belt securely around my wrists.

"Is that okay?" he whispered, his lips brushing against mine. I nodded gently, whimpering for him to finish with me.

He smiled assuringly, and spoke softly, "Don't worry, princess," he traced my bottom lip very carefully and continued. "I'll take my time with you, just like you wished for. Now, do you want me to fuck you hard and fast, taking you for my own pleasure until you're begging me to stop? Or do you want me to go soft and gentle for you, taking you for your pleasure and then eating you out until you can't speak because you're too busy moaning and whimpering for me?" I couldn't form the words for him, so I slowly stuck my tongue out, keeping eye contact.

I blinked once, showing him I wanted him to fuck me hard. He took in a deep breath, and nodded. He gently took my knickers off, and kissed my hips softly, his green eyes piercing my dark ones. He lifted himself off of me, and then took his trousers off. He leant forward, capturing my lips into a passionate kiss before slamming into me with a grunt.

I let out a high-pitched moan as the stretching burn filled me up, and he began to go at a rough pace. My hands started to push against the wall, the bed pushing up against the wall too before moving back and then to the wall again. The banging drowned out from my ears, the only thing I heard was Five's voice in my head and I couldn't form any coherent sentences, just babbling for him to go faster and faster.

I felt the knot in my stomach begin to tighten, and I knew he wouldn't let me come this early. I whimpered loudly as he pressed his hands against my uterus, making the pleasurable feeling intensifying. I gasped loudly as he hit my sweet spot, him pounding against it over and over and over again before I began to beg him to let me come. He chuckled gruffly as his hair fell into his eyes, his cheeks flushed and giving him a sinful look.

"F-five ━ oh, fuck! R-right there, right there━!" I let out a loud moan, tears pricking the corners of my eyes as my eyes widened and my back arched as his thrusting began to slow down and become sloppy.

"Yeah? Right there? Does that feel good, princess? Mmhm..." he began to mock me, his voice becoming whimpery and raspy like this morning. Every time I made a whimper or noise of pleasure, he would hum in satisfaction at making me feel good. I pressed my chest into his own, scratching down his back and leaving big, angry scratch marks. The noises he made notified me that he enjoyed it.

One hand in his hair, tugging roughly and the other on his back, scratching harshly, I came over his cock, my voice babbled out into words of encouragement for him to keep going for him to finish along side me. His body locked up as my thighs trembled, and soon I felt his hot strings of cum fill me up inside. Five rode his high out, and I whimpered at the overstimulation. He rocked his hips into mine slowly, before pulling out and collapsing onto my chest. He breathed heavily into my neck, his hands weakly lifting to untie my own hands. I sighed out as I felt the burning sensation on my wrists begin to fade and I ran my hands through his hair.

"I should piss you off more often," I laughed weakly, letting out a soft sigh. "Yeah, maybe you should so I can fuck you harder next time," he agreed sarcastically. I kissed his head softly before drifting off to sleep. The last thing I heard was a soft whisper and then a kiss on my neck.

"I love you, Y/N."

VOLUME I ━ five hargreevesWhere stories live. Discover now