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It's the next day for the Issei/ Vali team as they all get ready to move to the new house as issie got a call that it was ready and for them to be there as soon as possible to discuss the coming times as everyone is hurried to pack and move

Issei: Oh i can't wait for this.

Kuroka: I know. We get to be near koneko and everyone.

Akeno: It'll be fun.

Issei: And the world class rating game. Opps.

Kuroka: World class

Akeno: Rating game.

Issei: Yes world class. You both are going to join my team

Akeno: Oh goodie i can't wait

Kuroka: Oh as long as I'm with my ise i don't care.

Issei: That's good. That's good. But come come let's go

Getting all ready issie and his girls go down stairs as everyone is ready with lefay teleporting them to the new mansion as Issei eyes widen

Getting all ready issie and his girls go down stairs as everyone is ready with lefay teleporting them to the new mansion as Issei eyes widen

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Issei: Holy shit that's big

Kuroka: that's what she said.

Vali: Enough let's go inside. Im dying to hear about this new fight.

Rose: Be patience Vali.

Nodding eveyone goes inside as they already see the Gremory team, Dulio, Irina and another angel and tobio as he has his slash dog team there. And the Sitri team is there as well.

Issei: Hello everyone.

Rias: Hiya ise

Mury: Ise your finally here.

Dulio: What's up everykne.

Kiba: Hey Arthur.

Arthur: Hello kiba. How's gram.

Kiba: Trouble as always.

Aika: H-Ah Hello.

Azazel: Ah your here come come let's go in the living room. We will explain everything

Nodding everryone goes to the living  room as azazel plops down with the Gremorys taking a couch. The sitri takings. Couch, Slash dog taking there's and the vali/Issei team taking there

Azazel: So this is the alliance home. This is where anyone from the faction can come and communicate and where the leaders can hold meetings. This will also be a safe house should anything go wrong.

Issei: That's fine with me. Is there a mountain range behind us.

Azazel: There is for the dragons who wish to reside here.

Issei: Good good.

Azazel: For rooms the vali/Issei team will get the top floor.
The Gremorys will get third. Slash dog second floor along with the angels. And the final floor is the sitri floor.

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