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"Hmm, What is this awful smell?"

Sekido asked himself, while tilting his head to the side. His red, crimson eyes scans the surrounding areas, and the smell of something horrible gets even stronger.

"I've never smelled something like this before.. I wonder what that stench is..?"

He mumbled and looked up in the sky while his Khakkhara dangles on his waist.

"Hmph... Karaku, can you also smell something bad?"

He turned to his brother Karaku.

Karaku stops fanning himself with his maple leaf -shape Uchiwa while he sniffs the strong horrible odor in the air.

"Ah, indeed brother.. I can smell something horrendous.. This is not something I can ignore, It makes me very, very, unpleasantly, mad."

Karaku mumbled.

"Hmph, it's coming from that direction.. Why don't we go and investigate this?"


The demon of anger looked down at Urogi, who was having time of his life. Sekido felt disgusted, seeing his little brother enjoying himself on this awful smell.

"Urogi! There's a stench here.. Why are you so happy to be here?"

Sekido shouted, while his red eyes shines brightly. Karaku also turns to his little brother, feeling confused and vexed too.

"Yes why are you having a great time in that puddle, Urogi?"



"Urogi! You do know that the puddle is filled with some rotten stench right?~"

Karaku laughs nervously as he covers his nose with his fan

"Why are you enjoying yourself in such stench?~"

Karaku stared at his little brother with great confusion

"Aren't you a demon? Aren't you supposed to love the smell of blood and rot or something?~"

"Yes, brother Karaku is right. As demons, we suppose to be the one who spread fear and violence. Not enjoying ourselves in a stinky, dirty puddle."

Sekido shouted, while stomping his foot down. He looked down at Urogi.

"It is quite annoying seeing you having fun in that stinky puddle, little brother" he said with irritation.

"Hmph. You have gone soft, Urogi."

"Aww.. You silly siblings!~"

Urogi grinned widely and waggled his eyebrows at his big brothers. His wings flutters as he giggled and bounced around. He seemed to be so energetic and full of life.

"Why can't I like a puddle?~" he said in a cutesy tone while his eyes twinkled happily.

"I am just enjoying myself, that's all!~" He said, then looked up at his brothers with an innocent expression.

Karaku looks at Urogi with such disgust, he turns to his older brother Sekido with a sly grin.

"Look how cute our brother being all energetic and playful as usual.. Look brother, I think he is trying to lure us!"

Karaku laughed wickedly as he pointed his finger at Urogi

"Hmmmm.. Aren't you being too overly playful for the sake of baiting us, little brother~?"

The Hantengu clones Very long story thingy.Where stories live. Discover now