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Sekido's eyes were filled with irritation. He glanced around, finding no particular furniture that caught his attention. He had one hand inside his robes, presumably grasping on his concealed weapon, in case such furniture does not please him. "This is a ridiculous waste of time, I say," Sekido muttered with irritation. "It's no wonder why I didn't want to tag along with such a boring place.."

Aizetsu's eyes were gazing at some bed sheets, The sight of them was appealing to him. He couldn't explain it. But there was something about them that caught his interest. He was filled with wonder, He slowly approached the bed sheets. They were white, pure and clean. He could see his reflection clearly on the bed sheets. Aizetsu felt a strange feeling inside his chest, He couldn't explain it. But it felt like it was pulling at his chest, He felt as if he was in his own place. He felt calm, and comfortable. It was surreal to him. Karaku snickered, he was leaning on the bed behind Aizetsu and he had his legs crossed. His emerald eyes looked up at the ceiling while his arms casually dangled above his knees. In this moment, he felt calm and comfortable. He was just simply enjoying his time, enjoying this cozy piece of furniture. "This bed is nice..~"

"Shh!" Aizetsu hissed quietly. He had one eye open just in case if there was anybody watching. He didn't want to get caught by security.. Or worse by his brother Sekido. Aizetsu continued to relax on the bed along with his brother Karaku. He snickered slightly while enjoying his time to rest on a comfy bed. Sekido walked into the room, looking around for Aizetsu. Suddenly.. He heard a muffled sound, and followed it till it lead him to the next room over and he saw both his brothers on the bed. He had a stern look on his face. He placed a hand on one of his pockets to hide his Khakkhara. "YOU TWO!" Sekido roared "I TOLD YOU NOT TO REST ON THOSE MORTAL'S FURNITURES!!!"

"H-Huh! Oh no!~" Karaku jumped up from the bed and immediately fixed himself up to look all proper like. He was sweating bullets as he looked up at his older brother's face. "Uhm I-I can explain!" - Sitting nervously- "S-sir! We were just inspecting the bed's quality for.. Uhm.. For quality reasons! To see i-if they were fit for mortal's comfort!~"

Aizetsu gave a pout on his face while clinging onto his teddy bear. He didn't like to be forced to get up. The bed was so comfy that he couldn't get up! Plus, His brother Sekido was so scary. Aizetsu couldn't stand the thought of his brother Sekido being mad at him. His sapphire eyes were filled with guilt. "Please! Forgive me lord Sekido! I promise to stop being lazy! Please! Have mercy.. Have pity on me!" Aizetsu's voice sounded so weak. It sounded like he was begging for his life..

Sekido grits his teeth. This was getting more annoying by the minute. His eyes widened with rage. "Your explanations do not change the fact that you did what I told you not to do! GET OFF THIS MORTAL'S BED!" Sekido roared at Aizetsu, clenching his fist even more tightly. He was on the verge of attacking him if he refused to listen to him any longer. Karaku looked at Aizetsu with worry "Hey man. You okay buddy?" Karaku gave Aizetsu a little reassuring pat on his back, then put on a big friendly smile on his face in order to hide/control his fear around Sekido.

"Please, Brother Sekido! Please! Aizetsu was just resting for a little bit. He was stressed out, and he just needed some alone time!~ We weren't trying to disobey you!~" - Karaku chuckled nervously and raised a hand up to his mouth, as he tried to hide a small whimper that he let out. Sekido continued to get more and more angrier. He was at the point where he almost lost his temper completely. He let out a small scream of frustration. He gritted his teeth, and his fist clenched even more tightly, causing the veins to almost pop out of his arm.

"ENOUGH WITH THE EXCUSES! WE'RE NOT HERE TO SLEEP LIKE SOME MORTAL. WE'RE SUPPOSED TO BE GETTING FURNITURES, NOT RESTING!" He shouted out loud, the whole entire store could hear him.. Aizetsu looked up at Sekido with a mixture of fear, worry and disappointment in his eyes. He couldn't take the loud voice being yelled out in the store and how it echoed throughout the room. Aizetsu's eyes widened as if he was about to cry. He was too scared to get off the bed. He felt a bit of tears welling up in the corners of his eyes. He couldn't speak up. He didn't want to make Sekido any angrier...

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