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Things felt lighter with them here. Even with more eyes on me than there had been in the 2 months I'd been in New York. It was all second nature to them and watching my parents not be phased by it all was helping me. They'd been pulled into conversations with everyone.

We'd spoken for 20 minutes to the Hawthorne's and the Reye's in one huge group. Everyone around us seemed to be making a huge deal out of it, but I have watched Paige skinny dip in the Med at 2am wasted on champagne after she graduated uni this summer. Don't get me started on the summer before. Because some things were made to be kept a secret. This was a family reunion. One that usually takes place at the Critic Prints. Looks like they'd be catching up twice this year.

Me, Paige and Logan stood slightly to the side, Drew wondering around somewhere. She was handy to have around at these. In case there was ever a meeting someone wanted or if I needed to remember to call someone. Plus, she was good to talk to when everyone else was busy. Tonight, I had these 2 and no worries.

"I hate these damn things." Paige grumbled under her breath. Her eyes darted to someone stood creepily close. "I heard the weather in Italy is nice in Summer. Have you been Sloane?"

"Italy? Not in summer." I lied. Keep the conversation bland and uninteresting and the ears will move on. "Have you Mr. Reyes?"

"Rome, yes. In September though so I don't think it would count as summer. It was very hot though." Yeah. I'm sure it was. I bit back my smirk.

"Oh, do tell us." He raised his head slightly.

"Well, I met this really hot girl and we -"

"Ugh you two are disgusting." I fake gagged. "Actually. If I make myself throw up, maybe I can get to Zac's a little quicker." Logan kept his civil smile on his face but the shine in his eyes was filled with sadness. It was fine. I only blurted that shit out in a high disaster moment. It was true. It'd been true for a while. It shouldn't be out there though. Can't act like I'm fine if I'm going around telling people I've given up looking for love at 25 like some pathetic excuse for a human.

It's not like I have time for it anyway.

I had to cancel my date with Zac because of my parents hanging around. The only reason I was able to go tonight is because I told them I was staying with Drew. It would only work if me and her got to the office at the same time tomorrow so she was picking me up from his first thing in the morning and we'd get to the office at the same time my parents would be. It would be fine. It had to be. I needed a release. I just prayed he'd be worth my time.

"Sorry. Sloane?" I tipped my head to the side slightly, letting Drew whisper in my ear. "Theo just grabbed me as I was coming back from the ladies, Reed needs to speak to you. Said its business related. Not personal." I lifted my head raising an eyebrow at her. If this was some pathetic way of asking me to sell Rise again I would remove his head from his shoulders and kick it off the Empire State Building in 8 inch heels.

"What?" I looked over at Logan and shrugged.

"I'll be back in a few. If I'm not back before the awards start, don't send out a search party, I'm burying a CEO at the back of the gardens." Paige snickered and I turned, following Drew out, passed the ladies and into a small reading room at the front of the hotel. I didn't have a reason to be mad at him. Not really. Not after last weekend. I still was though. Don't ask me why. I don't know why the sky is blue or why Turkeys can't fly either.

"You came." Reed sighed, relief flooding his face in the dimly lit room. It was just him in here. Theo was stood outside with Drew. Something about making sure it looked normal and no one came in. Reed wanted privacy. I'd rolled my eyes.

"You said it was business."

"You look stunning."

"Business Mr Lawson. Nothing else. If this was just to speak to me then-"

"No. It's business. I um- I have something I need to tell you but I need you to sit down."

"I'm not staying here a second longer than necessary." He scrunched his face up and took 3 giant steps towards me.

"Sit down or I'll make you."

"Just fuckin- PUT ME DOWN YOU MANIAC."

"Will you be quiet? I did ask you-"

"You can't just pick-" I shifted in my seat as he pulled the second one so it was dead in front of me. "me up if I don't do what you want. I'm not yours to control."

"You never were. That was entirely your choice, day by day. Anyway. I do need to talk to you. My dad want's Rise."

"Not this again. I am not-"

"I know. I told him that. He's been wanting me to make you sell it Sloane. 'By any means necessary.' Hinting that he wanted me to either terrify you into leaving or hurt you so bad you couldn't stand to be here."

"What? Is that why-"

"No. I told him I wouldn't. Multiple times. To the point where I no longer work for Echo." I stared at him.

"Quit or fired?"


"Did you quit or were you fired?"

"I quit after he threatened me."

"Threatened you?" Maybe I'll kick his dad's head across the city. Might make me feel better actually.

"Yes. But that's not the point. My point is, he still wants Rise but now I'm not there, I don't know how far he'd go to get it."

"Why does he want it so badly? It's not even a big competitor."

"I don't know anything other than him not wanting you or your family here. He doesn't want the Windsor name in the US. He wouldn't tell me why. Not even the slightest hint." I sat back in the oversized chair. "I wouldn't put it past him to physically hurt you Sloane. I've spent all week looking into it and I think- think here, not know- I think he organized the whole bar thing to scare you."

"DREW?" I kept my eyes locked on him as he sat there on the edge of his seat. The door creaked open, light flooding in through the crack. "Get me Paige. I need her. Tell her I'm pulling back the favour for covering up Italy for her. It can't wait." The door closed without another word.

"You know Paige?"

"Know Paige? Me and Paige have been practically best friends since we were 5." I pulled a hair tie from my bag, putting my hair in a loose hold and texting Zac that I might have to pull a raincheck on him, again. Honestly. Poor guy.

"How? She never talks to anyone and you live-"

"She's a Hawthorne, I'm a Windsor, Logan's a Reyes. Our parents are like our aunts and uncles to each other. We like our lives private for a reason. Reasons like this. Your father thinks I'm all alone out here, on my own, with no one I know, no connections, no friends. What your dad doesn't know is my nose has been in the US for years. I personally own 6 small papers and 3 other magazines."


"Dave Green." I pointed at myself. "Nice to meet yah."

"No. I've spoken to Dave Green." I smiled. "I bought The Herald from him last year."

"Mhm. $560,000 if I remember correctly. Thanks for that by the way. How you agreed to that contract I'll never know. I didn't make it at your best interest." His jaw dropped open and I laughed. "I told you not to fuck with a Windsor didn't I?"

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