Disney world

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Just so you know in this you guys have 2 kids one girl that's 4 and one boy that's 1
Their names are wren and hayden
Y/n POV:
I roll over turning off the alarm that was on my phone to wake me up. I get up sitting on the bed to collect my thoughts before getting up.

I roll over shaking Chris lightly "Chris wake up we have to go". He groans and get up but fall right back down immediately. "Chris come on" I say again.

He finally gets up and start rubbing his eyes. I get up going to the bath room and Chris follows me. He tries to kiss me but I stop him. "Brush you teeth first your breath stinks" I say grabbing my toothbrush.

He puts his hand on his chest jokingly offended "wow" he says grabbing toothpaste and toothbrush. We brush our teeth and wash our faces. "I'm gonna go wake wren and Hayden" I say walking out.

"Ok I'll get Hayden dressed just get wren ready" he says from the bathroom." Ok " I say walking out of our room. I walk into wrens room and see her peacefully sleeping.

I go over to her bed bending down lightly shaking her. "Princess time to wake up" I say lightly to her. she wakes up looking at me. "Is it time to go to Disney" she says a bit excited.

I laugh a little "yes, yes it is sweetie but we have to go to the airport first ok" I say rubbing her cheek. "Ok" she says hopping out of bed. How can a 4 year old be so hype at 4 am.

I put her a white hoodie on with some plane black leggings because the airport is always so cold. "Ok lets go daddy and Hayden might be ready" i say standing up.

We go into me and Chris room to see them both sitting on the bed. "Well good morning princess" chris says smiling at wren. "Well let me get dressed" i say walking in my closet. You grab * what ever you want* and throw them on.

" ok you guys ready " i say grabbing the suitcase."yea and Matt and Nick will meet us at the airport" he says grabbing his suitcase. I nod and start walking out of our room.
Time skip

We are at airport waiting for Nick and Matt. We hear someone shout our names and turn back seeing Nick and Matt." Hiii" i say hugging them both. "Heyy" they both say at the same time.

Hayden waves at Matt and Nick. "Hey buddy" Matt say waving back. I smile at their cuteness. "Nickkkk" wren say running into his arms. He picks her up " heyy your getting so big" he says looking at her. "Yea I'm 4 now " she says showing 4 fingers.

"No way your 4 already" he says
Time skip

Now we're on the plane I'm on window seat and wren in the middle why Matt on isle. Chris Nick and Hayden are across from us Chris on isle Hayden sitting in his lap why Nick is on the window.

I take out wren iPad and put on rug rats for her and she watches it. I get my phone out and scroll on instagram.

2 hours later
"How long do we have left mommy" wren say looking from her iPad. "Just 30 minutes sweetie" I say smiling. "Disney world here we come" Matt say looking a wren. "Yeaa" wrens says with her hand in the air.

30 minutes later
"Please put on your seatbelt why we get ready to land" the lady says on the mic. I put me and wren seatbelts on and and Matt puts his on.

We starts landing and when we finally do we grab all of our stuff.
At the hotel

"Mommy I'm sleepy" wren says getting in the bed laying down. "You can go to sleep baby" i say tucking her in.
After a while Hayden and wren are asleep .

I sign and sit on the bed "what's wrong"Chris say sitting beside you. "Just tired" i say leaning my head on his shoulder. He kisses me quickly "go to sleep then" he says laying down with me.

I  lay my head on his chest cuddling up to him. "I love you" i say falling asleep. "I love you" he says kissing my head.
Next morning

I wake up with the bed being cold I look up and Chris is Gone so is wren. But I see Hayden still asleep. I go to the bathroom and I see wren and Chris brushing their teeth. "MOMMY WERE GOING TO DISNEY. She yells excitedly ." I know baby" I say laughing so does Chris.

After we all get ready we go down for breakfast. I have Hayden on my lap eating some cut up waffles. " mama " he says looking at me. "Hmm" i say looking at him. He point to the apple juice. I smile and hand him the juice and he drinks it.

After eating we go to Disney now we are their. "Mommy can we ride the tea pot" wren say jumping up and down. " of course we can" i say walking to the teapots. Nick picks up wren sitting her in a teapot . I sit next to them so does Chris and Matt. Chris puts his hand my thigh smiling I smile back at him.

The ride starts and we start spinning the little round in thing middle so we swing around fast. After the ride wren was so dizzy. Chris picks her up laughing. "You ok" he says laughing a bit.
2 hours later

" daddy can we get ice cream" wren says ."of course why not" he says walking the ice-cream stand. We go get ice cream and sit down .  It was the best vacation with best people.

Sorry I kinda go lazy at the end but and didn't know what else to do so this is what we have btw I'm new to this so pls leave me be loll Anways if you have requests pls say so

Word count: 1026

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