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In which you have schizophrenia


Request: yes by pepsikidistg

Location: LA



I'm currently at my boyfriend Chris house he was on his game why I scrolled through TikTok. I was on instagram and I had just posted a photo but i didn't look in the comment because they were always so negative.

I put my phone down getting up and I went to the bathroom i have schizophrenia so I had some meds. I didn't take my meds because I felt I didn't need them.

So I did my business and came back out. As I was about to grab my phone Chris called me causing me to look back at him. "Yea ?" I answered "Nick and Matt asked if you wanted to grab icecream with them do you wanna ?" He asked

"yea that's fine" I smile and he nods going to text I'm assuming his brothers back. I put on some cloths since all I had on was one of Chris shirts and some shorts. After I get dress I walk back out "ready ?" Chris ask and I nod he takes my hand as we walk out of his room.

Matt and Nick were already in the car and Nick was in the front seat so Chris got in the back with me. "Can I have the aux?" Chris ask. "No you can't" nick says.

"Why not!" He says to his older brother "because I'm in the front so I get aux" nick says and Chris rolls his eyes causing me to laugh. "Not funny" he says "oh but it is" I smile.

We made it to the icecream shop and we stand in line. Chris hand was around my waist as we waited in line. And I saw some people looking at us and I had the feeling there were saying things.

why is she here
Wow she's fat
Does she really need icecream
Your fat you don't need any ice cream
Just leave know one here likes you

You know you wanna cry because your pathetic

All these thought were in my mind messing with me and my hands got a little sweaty and shaky.

"Hey baby you ok?" Chris asks and I just nod as more thoughts came in my mind I think everyone is staring at me I didn't look up though because I felt a lot of eyes on me. "Hey love your shaking come on let's go back to the car" Chris whispers taking my hand.

And as he walks I felt people eyes burning on me. We make it back to the car and Chris gets in helping me in to. "Hey what's wrong" he ask "nothing I'm fine" I say "no your not don't lie you don't have to tell me but please don't lie are you ok? Is it you know ?" He ask

And I nod "did you take your meds at all today ?" He ask "no i didn't I felt i didn't need them" I mumble "well feeling and needing is different things so you have to take them everyday ok" he says and I nod "do you have any with you now ?" He asks and I shake my head no.

"Ok when we get home take them as soon as we get In the house" he says "ok" I say and kisses my head and then both my cheeks then lastly my lips causing me to smile.

He rubs my back bringing me in his chest and I stay there in a comfortable silence. "I love you ok and I'll help you with this anytime just tell me ok" he says I nod laying my head on his chest.

"I love you" he says again "I love you to" I say back.

Im sorry these are getting short I'm just I don't even know not feeling it and I feel as my imagines are actually getting boring honestly

And sorry if this is not accurate I did as much research and I think I did it right

But anyways bye as always love you guys 💕

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