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In which you and Chris bake cupcakes

Request?: no
Y/n POV:
Im currently laying down in Chris's bed right now why he's laying on my chest. I play with his hair as he is looking at TikTok. It's so cold in here so I pull some of the cover on me. And Chris pulls it back over him.

"Chris you took all of the cover" i say putting my phone down. He looks at me "oh I'm sorry " he say laughing a bit putting the blanket over me and him pulling me closer.

Suddenly I wanted something sweet so turn to Chris. "Wanna make cupcakes" I say playing with his hair. "Ooo yea but we have to go to the store to get the mix. "He says looking at me. "That's fine" i say smiling.
Chris POV:
We go upstairs and she grabs her keys getting ready to leave. It currently raining outside so I need to grab a hoodie. "Wait let me grab a hoodie" i say walking downstairs. I grab two because I know y/n/n would want one

I go back upstairs and give her one of the hoodies. "Thank you" she says smiling then kissing my cheek causing me to blush. She opens the door and I follow her out locking it.

She gets in the drivers seat and I get in the passenger seat. She puts the car in drive and starts driving off.

I get a call from Nick so I answer it putting it on speaker (bold nick regular Chris)

Nick: where are you guys ?
Chris: we're going to the store to get ingredients for our cupcakes
Nick: oh ok well can you grab me some Dr Pepper please it's only one left
Chris: yea sure can you ask Matt if he needs anything
Nick: MATT!!
Matt comes upstairs
Matt: what
Nick: do you need anything from the store
Matt: no now leave me alone
Chris: ok well bye

Then I hang up and y/n starts laughing. "What's so funny" i say confused. "Matt sounded frustrated" she says laughing turning in the parking lot. I laugh at her laugh.

"Wait don't open the door yet" i say opening mine. "Ok" she says confused. I go to the other side opening her door."ma lady " i say opening the door. She laughs" well thank you kind sir " she says in British accent. I laugh grabbing her hand

We walk into target grabbing a shopping cart. She walks down the isle looking for the things we need. I know it's weird but she look beautiful so fascinated in what she looking for. She grabs the cake mix and put it in the cart. ( I was gonna put buggy but it sound funny writing loll)

We go to the drink isle grabbing some Pepsi and Dr Pepper she also grabs (your favorite soda) and put it in the cart. "Can we also get candy " she say smiling sweetly. "You don't have to ask me twice" i say going to candy isle. I grab her a few of (your favorite candy) putting them in the cart.

"Ok I think we got everything" she says looking in cart. We go to check out and scan our things. She pulls out her card but I swipe mine before she can swipe her. "Christopher" she says looking at. "What it's fine you don't need to pay anyways" i say grabbing the bags.

I put the bag in the trunk and get in the car. "Thank you though" she says. I smile "anytime love" i say kissing her for about 3 seconds. And she starts blushing and I smile.
We get back to house putting everything up I put some drinks in fridge to. I grab a bowl and get the cake mix pouring it in the bowl. "Babe we need 3 eggs

" i say reading the box. He gets three eggs handing them to me. I take them and crack them in. He grabs the sugar handing it to me then he grabs some throwing it at me. "CHRIS YOU LITTLE" I grab sugar and throw some at him and he stands their in shock like he didn't do anything.

I smirk going back to the cake. " anyways can I pour it in" he ask. "What no you always end spilling it and I don't even know how" you say to him. "But you can pour the oil " i say giving him the oil. "nope" he say and I pour it in the bowl.

I get pan out about pour it in until I feel two pair of hand on my waist picking me and then sitting me on the other side you guessed it yes it was Chris. He start pouring in the pan slowly so he want spill and he doesn't. "I didn't spill not one drop" he says a bit sassy.

I laugh "good job baby you actually put them in really good" i say putting cupcakes in the oven. We start cleaning up the mess we made. Then we finish and Chris picks me up putting me on the couch laying his head in my chest. I smile playing with his hair.

20 minutes later

I hear the oven beep so I shake Chris "Chris get up I have to get the cupcakes out" i say to him. He whines " no I don't even want them anymore" he says holding me tighter snuggling his head in my chest. "Well we can't let them burn love " i say to him smiling and he finally moves.

We go the kitchen and get them out.
"I actually do want one now they smell good" he says going to take one. I slap his hand away "let them cool kid they just got out oven not even 30 seconds ago" i say to him. "You didn't have to hit me " he says rubbing his hand dramatically. "Oh my gosh" I say laughing

After a while they cooled down and he gets one and eats it . He moans taking a bite out of the cupcake. "Is it really that good ?" I ask taking a bite. "So good " he says taking another bite. Then Matt comes out his room I'm guessing he smelled it because he grabbed one and ate it.

Nick also comes downstairs"ooo cupcakes wouldn't mine if I do" he says taking one. After we all eat we decide to watch a movie. I'm cuddled up with Chris watching a movies and he looks at me and kisses me. "I love you" he say smiling

I love you
An: well guys if you have any request feel free to say because I need some more idea


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