Cant help it

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In which you have a bipolar disorder


Request: yes by pepsikidistg

Location: La


I just woke up from nap I sit up seeing Chris on his game. I smile walking over to him. "Oh look who's up" he says turning his seat towards me taking his head set off. He pulls me closer by my waist looking at me as I play with his soft curls.

"How long was I sleep?" I ask "like 2 hours" he says "really?!?" I say shocked I slept for a while. He nods kissing my stomach as I laugh "that's tickles". I look down at him then he stands then I look up at him and he laughs "your short" he says "no I'm not" I say looking at him.

"Yea you are" he tease and I roll my eyes going back to the bed. He follows me "why are you following me" I say "hey what's the attitude for ?" He ask raising an eye brow "I don't have an attitude" I say clearly annoyed. "Did I do something if so sorry" he says "it's not your fault" I sigh.

Few hours later

"Come on let's go eat" he says "I'm not hungry" I say "you haven't eaten anything at all today" he says "I know" I shrug not caring. "Come on baby you need to eat" he says taking my hands to make me stand. "I'm not hungry though" I stand hugging him. He rubs my back hugging me back kissing my head.

"Well when you are hungry tell me" he says and I nod kissing him he smiles kissing me back. I pull away smiling I go back to his bed sitting down "I'm gonna go eat I'll be back ok" he says pecking my lips and I nod as he leaves.

I started laying down just letting thoughts come in my brain but my brains wanted to get negative. As I thought about it I was pretty ugly I don't even know how Chris likes me I'm also fat I thought,what if he breaks up with me wait what if he's just dating me because he feels bad no one else wants to date me. I  honestly should just die.

I roll over growing massageing my temples angrily. I scream in the pillow forgetting Chris could probably hear me and I started randomly crying lowly. Chris comes in the room turning on the lights "hey hey why are you crying what's wrong and why did you scream did you hurt yourself ?" He asks.

I ignore him not looking his way. "Hey baby talk to me" he says sitting on the edge of the bed. I turn to him emotionless. "What do you want" I ask looking at him. He pulls me closer "baby what's wrong" he cups my face in his hands.

"Nothing is wrong with me" I say angrily. He sighs lowly "why are you still with me" I say looking at him as he looks at me "what do you mean because I love you" he says "why do you love me look at me" I say letting my thoughts out. "Nothing is wrong with you" he says "im ugly I'm fat and hideous" I say

"No your not why would you say anything like that your the most gorgeous girl I've ever seen your not fat and even if you were I'd still love you y/n I'm with you for you not your body I in love with you because how you treat me not how you look" he says

"So that means your with me because how I treat you so I am ugly" I say letting me thoughts get the best of me. "Your not ugly your beautiful so beautiful baby I could look at you all day and not get tired of it one bit" he cups my cheeks "your so beautiful your pretty your gorgeous your exquisite your everything beautiful can describe ok hear me" he says causing me to tear up and he brings me in a hug kissing my cheek as I sob in his chest.

"Hey it's ok let it all out" he comforts me" kissing my forehead. "I love you so much" he says rubbing my back.

I look up at him and he wipes my tears away with his thumb "I'm sorry" I say between sniffles "hey don't apologize it's not your fault it's ok" he smiles "no it's not your so good to me and I just yell and take everything out on you" I say "no no your not your going through things I get that but that's why I need you to talk to me ok" he says and I nod.

He pulls me closer to him pulling the blankets over us as he lays down with me kissing my head. "I love you ok" he says "I love you" I respond.

Ok so I hope this was good because I did research but I'm stupid so I don't be getting stuff but I hope this was good

I love you guys byeeee see you next chapter

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