Just pretend

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In which your crazy ex want get a hint that you moved on so you Chris do something about it

Age: 18

Your in high school in this

Request: oh my gosh yesss by meeee

Location: Boston

WC: 1.7k

I'm at school right now and I'm grabbing my book out of locker for class and when I close it there goes Liam in my face.

I groan "what do you want" I say to him annoyed "you of course" he says and sigh walking away and he grabs my wrist "don't touch me" i say slapping his hand "you didn't have to hit me" he says.

"You know you still want me" he says and i laugh walking off. I just wanna scream why want he leave me alone I'm done with him I'm over him he need to get that.

I walk into my class seeing Chris my favorite person hes my best friend. I smile sitting next to him "hey chris" i say looking his way. "What's wrong" he asks "Liam" is all I say. "He still doesn't get your done with him" he says "clearly not" I say.

And then Liam walks In the class "why is he here" I say "class Liam is gonna start joining us here from now on" she says and I groan.

Chris laughs and i glare him. And Liam sits next the desk next to me and Chris.

Me and Chris are eating at lunch right now with Nick and Matt. "Liam still want leave you alone I see" Nick says and I nod "it's annoying" I say. "I have an idea but it might sound crazy" Chris says and me nick and Matt look at him.

"How about we fake date maybe he'll leave you alone" he says "that's actually not half bad" Nick says " that's weird Chris" i say "well you have Liam messing with you" he says "fine but there will be rules" i say.

"Ok" he says smiling.
Me and Chris are at his house in his room doing homework. "Wait ok so I Have rules" I say and he looks at me.
"Ok 1 no kissing" I say "then how will they think we're dating" he says "hold my hand or something and lastly no acting like couple when no one is around because it's no point" i say and he nods.

See this is already  weird because Chris is my best friend and I don't like him so for him to kiss me would be weird.

We continue doing our homework now were just talking. "But honestly y/n how can we be a "couple" and not ever kiss" he says it makes sense. "Ok fine but no like making out" I say "why would we make out in front of people" he says

I'm at school now and I just left class on my way to study hall. "Hey y/n" I hear a familiar voice Liam I continue walking. But he catches up to me "what do you want" I say "no need to have a attitude" he says and I roll my eyes

"Hey baby" Another familiar voice says kissing my cheek and putting there hand around my waist and it's Chris "oh hi" i say smiling "wait you two" he says pointing at us and we nod . "Why are you with this loser" he says "because he's not crazy like you" i say annoyed already

Chris takes my hand and we walk away "thank you" I say and he nods "any time, ok I need to go to class" he says running off and i laugh.

Honestly I don't like Chris but the way he kissed my cheek and called me baby kinda made butterflies come but Chris is my best friend out of all people I can't fall for him.

I sigh to myself walking to my next class.

It's the end of school now and I'm getting my stuff ready to go. I leave out of the class room walking down the hallway and Liam comes again. Are you kidding me does he not catch a hint.

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