▪︎The tired boy▪︎

19 1 0

He was so fucking tired and done.

TW, strong language, emetophobia


Ennoshita woke up, feeling dizzy. Everything was sore, especially his wrists and hands. He opened his eyes to see the club room lights on and his fellow first years looking down at him.

He didn't quite get it yet, his mind was still fuzzy and he didn't want to move cause everything hurt.

They all looked concerned.

"Enno, are you okay?"

"Why are you sleeping in the club room?"

"What happened?"

"Did you even leave last night?"

"Are you okay?"

So many questions came flooding at him at once. He squinted, and tried to move to get up. He groaned. They all rushed to help him but he just pushed them away.
"I'm fine.. I just- I.." He hesitated. What was he supposed to say? They'd scold him for working hard, for succeeding. He knew they would, he knew they'd scold him for doing anything. For being lazy, for being tired, for being done. For being active, for trying too hard, for winning.

He couldn't do anything. At least not without being scolded.

He held his head, standing up and leaning against a random shelf in the club room. A few other people were there, mostly third years, but daichi sawamura was also there. He was going to be the next captain.

Ennoshita wanted that so bad. To be so important as to be named team captain. He was envious of daichi, and he hated daichi for it. He hated a lot of people, for rather selfish reasons. But he felt like he had the right to be selfish. He could hate whoever he wanted.

He looked around the club room, the lights were blinding and his friends were still asking questions until he raises his hand to stop them.

"N.." He hesitated, taking a deep breath to speak more clearly. His head was pounding.

"No I didn't stay here all night, I just got here really early to set up.. I was excited about the practice match today.." He answered slowly, making sure his reason was flawless. Kinoshita and narita seemed to buy it and tanaka cheered, excited ennoshita seemed to finally be getting into volleyball. Nishinoya seemed suspicious, but he brushed it off, overshadowing it with joy that ennoshita was excited for this day as well.

The practice match was to be held early morning, because for some reasons the coach's thought that was a good idea.

Most of the third years looked exhausted, they were probably tired, having to wake up so early. The second years looked a little more energetic. Well besides asahi, he seemed completely ruined with nerves.

That's when noya spoke up, stepping closer and grabbing ennoshitas shirt and pulling it closer to him which woke ennoshita up a little.

"Is this dried blood?" He asked, sounding rather concerned, but oddly calm for how worrying it was.

Ennoshita then noticed the small dotted blood stains from where he had rested his bleeding hand the night before. He stuttered a little, freaking out. What was he supposed to tell them? He didn't want to admit the truth. They wouldn't get it.

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