▪︎Kenma's eyes▪︎

22 2 1

Something important.


Kenma woke up to his mom yelling at him. He hated getting up.

Every day he was so tired, and yet everyone was yelling at him to get up.

Well, not everyone. He knew that, but he still liked to complain. It gave him something to do.

He didn't get up, anyway.

He usually waited for his mom to give him his meds, then he'd get up. That was his routine. His mom always told him it was good to have routine, so it was an exuse to stay in bed for an extra ten minutes.

He sunk into his mattress, covering himself in his blanket, and hiding his face in his pillow. It was warm, and made him feel tired again. He started to drift off, for the third time that morning.

"Kenma!!" His mom shouted from down the hall.
He groaned slightly, he was too quiet to make a sound loud enough to give confirmation he was awake.

He didn't move, only rolling over and pushing his face into a different pillow. He usually surrounded himself, he didn't like feeling alone in his bed. It was always so cold with only one blanket and maybe two pillows. Kenma thought it was a fair choice to want to be surrounded in blankets and pillows. He loved being surrounded.

His mom finally entered his room, turning on the light to his room.
"Kenma, get up." She said, setting a bowl with cereal and a glass of orange juice with two pills.

Adhd, and low iron.

He sat up, rubbing his eyes. He didn't want to get up, but it was routine.

His mom, patted his leg, leaving his room taking about something random. Although he wasn't paying attention, it was still nice to have noise to focuse on.

He grabbed the pills and started with them first, drinking the orange juice immediately after. Then he started eating.

He started to think about what he had to do today.

'Socials.. math... japanese kanji... lunch.. SAT prep..' He ran over in his head, his usual day. It was friday, and an "other day", which meant his usual afternoon was replaced with sat prep.

He wanted something to keep him busy so he wouldn't procrastinate, and his friend kuroo chose SAT prep.

That's when he picked up his phone, and looked at the day.

'March 28 2012.'

He read in his head, putting his phone down and taking another bite of cereal before dropping his spoon and picking up his phone again, starting to panic.

'29th? Shit..'

He started to curse in his head, quickly getting up and quickly starting to get dressed as he unlocked his phone and opened messenger before starting to text kuroo.

"You asshole!! You were supposed to text me today about the match"

He tossed his phone onto his bed as he got finished getting dressed. He ran into the laundry room, and started looking for his gym clothes.
He hated wearing the gym clothes, because the gym was always so cold in my morning, which is when he'd have to go to gym.

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