▪︎a burning feeling▪︎

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Maybe that's why he enjoyed kuroo so much. Well, by his own standards at least.

Tw: graphic/explicit and sexual content, suicidal thoughts/ideations, SA implications, romanticization of SA, hypersexuality

Ennoshita sat on the floor of his room. It was roughly 3:30 am. The only light was coming from the moon, which shined through his bedroom window, as well as the glow of his phone. He was in only his boxers, and an oversized shirt that he had stolen from his dad.

He kept turning his phone on, and then off, and then on, and then off again. He was trying to text kenma. But, if it wasn't obvious enough, he was failing to do so.

He kept staring at the number, at the text he had sent himself a couple days ago. Why was it so hard to just send a simple text? He was so confident earlier, it was hard to believe that it had gone so down hill.

He rested his face in his hands, trying to make a sound of annoyance, without actually making all that much sound. Since his mom and dad were already asleep, and he didn't want to bother them.

He lifted his head slightly to look over at his phone, his face flushing as he thought about texting him. His stomach filled with butterflies, and he tried not to cry just from the sheer amount of overwhelming feelings that surged through his body.

He rubbed the corner of his eyes, and then he picked up his phone for probably the millionth time that night. He sighed as he put in his code and unlocked his phone. It opened up on the chats, or rather lack of, between him and kenma.

He started to imagine all the things he could say.

The logical approach would to just say hey, but the problem was it was nearly 4 am now, and nobody says hey at 4 am for no reason. Ennoshita didn't want to seem like a creep, so he crossed that option off quick.

He could pretend he didn't remember kenma, and where the number came from. That stopped him from looking too desperate, but then again he might offend kenma. So once again, crossed off.

He sighed, letting his phone fall from his hand as he buried his face in his hands.

'Why is this so hard?'

He thought to himself as he let out a quiet whine sound. He was kind of hoping he'd just get a notification saying kenma texted him, like in all of those romance movies. But that didn't happen.

It was just silence.

He sighed, he would never talk to kenma again if he didn't speak to him. Which was a bit upsetting, but he'd live. Well, not exactly, but those were unrelated reasons. He again sighed, shifting around a bit, making small grumbly noises. His face was forced into a frown, he couldn't help but b upset. He asked for the boys number, and he couldn't even text him?

This was pathetic, depressing even. It didn't even deserve those fancy words at this point, it was just sad. He kept his hands over his face, he felt terrible. He had to do something, he's gotten this far. Which admittedly isn't all that much, but still. It was a lot for ennoshita.

He picked up his phone once more, wrapping the corner of his blanket around him, huddling further against his bed post even more. He turned his phone on, which opened once more on his texts. He felt a dread inside him as he tapped the messaging icon, reading to type something.

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