Chapter 3: Preparing to Depart

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Raelle's POV

I woke up at dawn the next morning feeling strangely powerful. I wasn't used to feeling my magic pulse through me after living with it for twenty-three years. After a while, I got used to it and barely noticed it but now, it was as if my magic was its own entity traveling through my body.

I sat up slowly to ease my headache and realized just how exhausted I am. Daithine warned me that the new magic would make me tired but I wasn't expecting to feel like this. 

After a few more minutes of slowly getting myself out of bed, I managed to get dressed in my travel clothes. Instead of my normal clinic robes or gowns, I dressed more practically. I chose a pair of thick trousers to combat the chill of the autumn air and paired it with a long sleeve tunic that rested at mid-thigh. Just in case, I grabbed my belt and strapped my dagger and a few vials to it. I've never been as far north as Bredset and I had no idea what dangers could await me. I also packed a few other sets of clothes, but I had no idea how long I would be in Bredset so I resigned myself to the fact that I will have to buy more in the city. I made sure I had two fresh sets of clinic robes, but I knew they wouldn't last long dealing with Tantra.

I had just started to dig into some more of my mother's bread and fruit when again, I was startled by a knock at my door.

At least it's not the middle of the night this time, I thought to myself, grumbling.

I answered the door, again aware of the dagger strapped to my waist, and found a girl that could not have been much older than myself standing there with a bright smile on her face. She was dressed in a plain gown that still had a touch of elegance to it, and her hair was in a simple updo.

"Miss Raelle, I was sent by Archmage Oswyn. I am to be your messenger. May I come in?" asked the girl.

I was stunned for a moment, but then cleared my throat, nodded, and gestured for her to come in. "I did not realize I'd get assigned a messenger before I was fully trained. What is your name?"

"Kessia, miss. And all Archmages-in-training get their messenger assigned from the first meeting. I am here to help you with all messages that you need to send so that you may focus on your training. And Oswyn told me you are to depart for Bredset this afternoon, so I wanted to make sure you get everything taken care of before your journey," replied the girl.

"Well, Kessia. It is nice to meet you. Will you join me for breakfast? I have a couple of letters I planned on writing and sending this morning before my departure but I was going to eat first. I have some homemade bread and some fresh fruit from my mother if you'd like it," I responded, sitting at the table.

She looked taken aback by my request, but quickly regained her composure and took the empty seat across from me. "It's not often that messengers eat with their Archmages, Miss Celendine. But thank you."

"Just Raelle is fine, Kessia. No need to be formal. And if you're to be my messenger, I see no reason not to be friends. Please, eat your fill. Do you plan on accompanying me to Bredset?" I continued.

"No, mis--I mean, Raelle. I will remain in Strathe to prepare your new home in the Keep. Oswyn has instructed me that you will have a temporary messenger waiting for you in Bredset until you return home," Kessia answered in between eating.

I nodded and smiled at her, and we continued eating in comfortable silence. Afterward, I went to my desk and pulled out a quill and ink bottle.

Before I started writing, however, Kessia interrupted me and explained, "Raelle, sorry! I forgot to mention that I was given a seal and wax for you so that your letters are official. It also helps to make sure all messages are not tampered with before they are received." She handed them to me and let me know she would deliver my messages as soon as I was done.

I took the seal and wax and got started on my letters. First, a letter to my mother letting her know about my Archmage training, and letting her know I will arrange for her to move into a home of her choosing in the city as soon as I can. Then, a letter to Archmage Oswyn thanking him for the opportunity to become an Archmage and asking him to speak to my mother about new living arrangements. And finally, a letter to the head healer at the clinic I frequented in Strathe, letting them know I will do all I can to return as soon as possible.

After I completed them all, I melted the wax and sealed each one with my personal seal. It was strange seeing them all look so formal. The seal had my new initials, RC, in fancy lettering with the Strathe flag symbol in the background. After they were sealed, I neatly arranged them on my desk and finished packing. It was late morning at this point, and I had about three hours before my carriage arrived.

Kessia was still seated at the table eating quietly while I worked on my letters, and looked up when I moved from my desk.

"I'm finished, Kessia. I only have three letters to deliver. The first one is to go to Astryn in the farmland south of Strathe. The second one is to go to Archmage Oswyn, and the third to Melori at the clinic a few minutes to the West from here. I also need you to pick up a few things from the market and take them to the clinic, if possible," I explained, handing her a bag of silver coins.

"Of course I can. What do I need to get?" Kessia inquired.

"Well the market square of the Middle District has an apothecary shop that I frequently get supplies from for my patients. Eliss will know what I need and should provide you with it all, and Melori will know where they go," I answered.

Kessia nodded and smiled at me before leaving to deliver the letters.

For the first time in a long time, I appreciated being alone. So much had happened in the last twelve hours and silence was welcome so I could try to process it all. Between the conversation with my mother yesterday and my meetings with Daithine and Kessia, my mind was running on fumes. I could feel the absence of Breaker control, which surprised me. I never really noticed how much of my life was being run by them until their hold on me was dissolved. I don't have to wait for them to find me a match, I can leave the clinic to see my family whenever I choose, without permission, and I can learn all the magic I want, regardless of my affinity.

My mind wandered to all the things I could learn over the next eight months. I could study alchemy like I've always wanted. I get to learn combat and defensive magic so I could defend myself. My father would be excited about that. He has always been concerned for my safety.

I missed my father dearly. I often think about him. Would he be proud of me? Would he appreciate my accomplishments at the clinic? I don't know where people of Elestria go after death. If he could see me now, I'd like to think he'd be right here alongside me, supporting me through everything. The day he died was the day I threw myself into working at the clinic. I lost him six years ago to Tantra. He's the reason I jumped at the chance to help the people of Bredset get through this awful outbreak.

I must have lost track of time because I was pulled from my thoughts by the sound of horses outside my door. It was time for me to head to Bredset. With a deep breath and a final look around my home, I grabbed my pack and walked out the door.

The coachman gave me a small nod and opened the carriage door for me with a smile. I settled in and prepared myself for the two day journey north.

Hey all! I know this story has had a bit of a slow start, but I promise it will ramp up soon! I just wanted plenty of character development for Raelle. And the other main character is coming soon. The next chapter will explore Astryn's POV and we will get to see her concern for her daughter from her eyes, as well as the letter Raelle wrote for her. If you're enjoying the story, please vote!


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