Chapter 30: The Archives

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Laris' POV

This must be the craziest thing I've ever done. Eobari and Jestae made sure no one would disturb us for the rest of the day. So now I guess all that's left to do is jump out a window. And hope I don't plummet to my death or become permanently disfigured from the damn poison.

"You ready, boy?" asked Calder, pulling me from my nervous thoughts.

I could do nothing more than nod, the words simply wouldn't come. He opened the window, activated his own boots, and jumped.

I flinched, fearing the worst, but calmed down quickly when I heard joyous laughter coming from just outside. I approached the window myself, only to see a giddy Calder admiring his handiwork.

It made me smile, despite the growing anxiety in me. I wasn't the biggest fan of heights...but I would have to get over it if I had any chance to save Raelle.

Calder hooked the grapple over the side of the balcony, testing his weight several times before making his ascent.

I steeled myself, chanted the incantation, and leapt, ignoring every instinct in me to stop. I held my breath for several seconds with my eyes closed, then slowly but surely relaxed the tension and opened. I was just fine. Floating several stories in the air, but fine.

When I saw the old man make it to the top of the rope and kick his leg over the balcony's railing, I gripped the rope myself, careful not to look anywhere but up or right in front of me.

Up and up I went, adrenaline racing through me because of my fear, trying to climb as quickly as possible.

I must have gone too fast, though, because the hook of the grapple shifted and I felt the rope go slack in my hand. This caused me to panic, and I started breathing heavily.

Thankfully, I was still floating. I was only halfway between the window and the edge of the railing, so I mustered all of my strength and swung the rope back up, focusing on the way forward, rather than the potential fall.

After three or four attempts, finally the hook caught again, and I could continue climbing. I went slower this time, careful not to jostle the grapple too much so I didn't have to experience such fear again. After what felt like several minutes, the ledge was right at my fingertips. I hoisted myself up, and hurriedly backed away from the railing to catch my breath.

Calder hardly noticed my struggle, too intent on the sight before him. The wall was sort of...shimmering. It was obviously not a regular wall from up close, but no one looking at the balcony from any other angle would be able to tell there was anything here at all.

I cleared my throat, and Calder looked at me, clearly unfazed by the wondrous magic of the wall.

"Well, if I was correct, the first part of the riddle is done. Now, to make it behind this wall. It looks like I could just walk right through it, but I can feel an energy behind it that worries me," he admitted.

I finally noticed the pulsating feeling in the air, and the hair on the back of my neck stood straight up. "Uh, I'll go first. I'm a better fighter, and I don't want you getting hurt."

Before he could argue, I walked through. The wall had the same chill I always got when walking through the Blood Mages' portal, which I suppose made sense considering this library is meant for their eyes only. Once I was through, the buzzing sound went away, and I realized the energy came from the wall itself.

"It's safe! The energy is coming from the portal!"

As soon as I was finished speaking, Calder came into view.

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