Chapter 1 • Stranger Waking

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"-ke up miss!" An unfamiliar voice echoed in your eyes as you groaned softly trying to get more sleep by turning your head away from the voice who exclaimed more. "-Oi! Wake up!"

You squawk in fear at how loud it was in your eyes causing you to sit upward, though there is another attack-THUD!

Lament in pain and clutched your forehead as you inhale a deep breath to lessen the pain, still could feel the throbbing in your forehead as your visions were obscured in darkness and...wait, was that heavy breathing behind you? you flinched slightly due to a muscular voice who seem to be concerned.

"Are you okay?"

You glanced around to notice that you were laying on top of the least you think the gender is correct due to the voice. "Shit!" You exclaimed trying to get off only to get another pain from the top causing you to groan again.

"Easy! I think we're in a coffin that's why we cannot move around." the male exemplifies with apprehension in his voice causing you to groan, understanding the position you both are in.

"Great, how are we able to get out of here-wait, what's that noise?" You tilt your head hearing a fainting pitter-patting footstep causing the male behind you to quiet straining to hear as well.

You could hear a small muffled voice outside of the coffin, you and that guy suspected, you both are in.

"I better hurry up and find that uniform before someone spots me..." as you felt the coffin shake lightly, telling you that someone is on top of the coffin you both are in to hear the next words, "Urrrgggggh...this lid weighs a ton! Try this for size...MYA-HA!"

A familiar polar blue flame burst in your and the male's voice causing you both to exclaim out loud.



As soon as you say that, you used both of your feet up on the top of the coffin top to kick it hard with all your strength to watch it throw further, smothering the fire out causing you to release the breath you maintained.

"Now to grab the goods...WHAT?! You ain't supposed to be awake, why are there two of you in there?!"

You sit upward to get out of the coffin to glance around at the familiar place you remember in your dream...or was it? You turn around to face the male who seems to be hidden under the-wait a minute! You noticed the familiar robe in your dream! You narrowed your eyes at the robe but shook it off.

Priority first.

You move your head away to blink at....a cat? A cat that could stand on two paws astonished you since you've never met any cat who could do that, only on their four-legged. You study him further to notice that his fur is grey with a white patch on his chest and pink paw pads. He has electric blue flames blazing from his ears. His eyes are also bright blue which makes you remember that giant chimera from your dream. You gulp slightly, that can't be real...right?

"A talking...weasel?!" The male spoken cause you to bite your lip and try not to laugh at the image of that grey cat being a weasel looks. But the cat looks like it was insulted by that words.

"How...How DARE YOU! I am no WEASEL! I'm Grim, sorcerer extraordinaire!-Tch, whatever. You...human! Just gimmie your uniform, and be quick about it!" Grim jabbed his cute paw toward us while smirking, " 'Cause if you don''re gonna regret it!"

"Getting roasted alive by a weasel? What will I dream of next?" You muttered, lifting your hand to your chin only to pause, noticing your bloodied clothes has been replaced by this familiar dark robe you dreamed of. 'What the--?! Someone changed me?!' You were shooked yet uncomfortable by the thought of someone changing you while you were sleeping. 'I'm hoping that it was a lady who did change me...' Your eye twitched.

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