Chapter 1

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"I'm so sorry, Josie" my mother cried as she wiped a tear off her cheek.

"It's alright mom" I sigh.

My mother is deciding to move me across the country to California, to live with my dad. I'm not too thrilled about it, considering I don't even know him, and I've lived in Massachusetts my whole life. I live - well I guess lived - in a small town here, and I'm happy.

My mom's reasoning for moving me is totally unrealistic. She said I seemed unhappy. Which I don't really understand. I have Spencer as a best friend, and he makes me smile a lot so why couldn't she see I was and am happy here?

I guess she thought that since I was diagnosed with depression 3 years ago, I wasn't happy, and that I might be happier in California. I doubt it though. It makes me depressed to even think of going away from home for a day, let alone moving..forever.

"Plane 53 your flight is ready to board" the flight attendant announced into a loud speaker overhead.

"I guess this is goodbye," Spencer says, his voice cracking as he tries not to cry. "Don't forget about me and text me every day, skype me whenever you can-"

"Spence," I chuckled even though I was holding back tears, "I could never forget about you, we've been best friends since preschool. I promise I will text you every day, skype you all the time, maybe you could even come live with me"

Spencer and my mom laughed at that, just before they both started crying..again.

I hate when they cry. It makes me cry.

"Guys, it's okay" I try to lighten the mood, even though it didn't work much as a tear streamed down my face. "I will miss you both a lot, but we will text, skype and visit whenever we can, okay?"

They nod and pull me into a bone-crushing hug.

I do love their hugs, and I'll miss them, but this one was a little too tight.

"Your going to break me" I rush out with what air I had left in my lungs.

"Sorry" they say in unison as they pull away and wipe at their tears.

"Ma'am, your flight is boarding now" the flight attendant calls out to me as if I didn't know.

"I know this" I called back at her and she rolled her eyes.

"Goodbye mom, goodbye Spencer, I love you" I say as I turn away so they wouldn't see that I'm about to break down.

"We love you too"


It's been an hour hour and all I've done is stare out the window. The person beside me, is a sleeping man with quite a bit of meat on his bones.. Oh who am I kidding? He's fat as hell. He's taking up both, his seat, and half of mine. It's extremely annoying because I can barely breathe, and I'm pressed against the window.

Finally I get so annoyed and disgusted with it I unbuckle my seatbelt. I look around my area to see that all the seats in front of me and beside me are full. But when I turn around to see the seat behind me, there is only one person there, with an empty seat beside him. I smile as I realize he's very attractive, with dirty blonde hair and from what I can see, stubble on his chin.

He must've seen or felt my eyes on him, because when he looked up at me, his very pretty hazel eyes met mine.

He just looked at me, and I stared back at him, before I decided to break the awkward tension.

"Hey, um do you mind if I sit with you?" I ask awkwardly.

"Sure" he said but it sounded more of a question.

I stood up, hitting my head on the window as I did so. If this fatty would get out of my way then this wouldn't be such a problem as I try to squeeze out of the seats.

I finally get out, almost running into a flight attendant as I did so.

"Oops, sorry" I say as I move to sit beside the attractive guy who I talked to previously.

She only rolled her eyes before walking away.

What's up with everyone rolling their eyes at me? I roll my eyes back in a mocking manner, even though she won't see as she is out of sight now.

"Hey," I say as I sit down. His hair is now curlier and longer than it looked earlier, but I like it. "I'm Josie"

"I'm Ashton" he smiled but I could tell he was wondering who the hell I am and why I'm sitting beside him.

"Sorry, it's just, well you see that guy" I point at the fat man, who is now seated in front of me.

"How can I not" Ashton chuckled.

I chuckled too as I say, "yeah, well he was sitting more on me than his seat"

"I know, I've noticed you moving to get away from him" Ashton says with a light laugh.

"Yeah, it didn't work much" I chuckle.

"So are you going to Cali?" I decide to ask. "You don't have to answer if you don't want to..I just realized how creepy that must've sounded" I mentally face palmed.

This plane does go to California but maybe he is passing through, I don't know. Why do I even care?

"Yeah, I just went to Massachusetts to visit my dad, now I'm going back to my mom in Cali. Are you going to California too?"

"Yep" I nod.

"What part? You don't have to answer.. oh shit I did it too" Ashton says and literally face palms as I laugh. We're already so much alike. I'm already starting to like Ashton, I secretly hope we go to the same place so I won't be alone and we can be friends.

"Malibu, I think " I shrug. I think that's what my mom told me. I didn't pay much attention but I'm pretty sure that's what she said.

"Really? I live there!" Ashton says with a smile that's from ear to ear.

"Really? Maybe we can hang out then, well you know once we get there"

"Yeah," Ashton lightly laughs. "How old are you again?"

"Seventeen, you?"

"Eighteen, but I'm still in high school, so we should be in the same grade," Ashton smiles and I return it. "Do you know what school you'll be going to?"

"Umm nope I have no idea"

"Well if you have a choice, go to Malibu City high school" Ashton says with a proud smile. "It's like the trashiest school but hey, I'm there so it must not be that trashy"

"Alright I'll see what I can do" I laugh.

Soo I'm rewriting this because I don't want a fanfic besides sorry but he's too sexy to not have him in here somewhere

Also I probably won't do many AN's because I know when I read I don't like them much soo yeahh butt one more thing: follow me in Instagram @lolwhiteppl because why not

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