Chapter 4

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I woke up the next day to the sound of Nick yelling. I didn't hear what he was yelling about, I was busy trying to calm myself down from the startling wake up call.

I groaned and rolled over, shoving my face back in my pillow and putting another pillow on top of my head to block out the noise.

Nick's voice got louder, so I assumed he was getting closer, although I don't know why. What time is it anyway? Eh I would check my phone.. but I would much rather go back to sleep.

Suddenly I heard Nick right outside my bedroom door, still yelling, right before he opened my door and came right in.

"Ever heard of knocking?" I groan.

"Well sorry, but this is important" Nick says with annoyance clear in his voice.

"What the fuck could be more important than a teenage girl sleeping?" I practically yell as I sit up. Nick looked pretty pissed off, but I don't know why. If he's mad at me he shouldn't be, I literally haven't done anything since I got here..besides eavesdrop but everyone does it.

"Watch your mouth, and this is about Josh"

"What about him?" I ask, irritated.

Nick sighs, just as Josh comes in my room.

"Has anyone heard of knocking? Or personal space?" I ask with wide eyes, still trying to wake myself up.

"Sorry" Josh says, almost in an ashamed way.

"Can someone tell me what's going on so I can go back to sleep?" I yell, and they both look at me as if I grew wings. "Stop looking at me like that! Hasn't anyone ever heard of 'don't mess with a sleeping teenage girl or else you'll get your head ripped off'?"

They still looked at me as if I grew wings.

"Someone just fucking tell me what's going on, or I'll go back to sleep right now" I say.

Nick shakes his head to stop looking at me before finally saying, "Josh, would you like to tell her?"

"Not really" Josh answers.

"Oh my god someone tell me!" I yell.

"Fine," Josh sighs, "I got dared to ask a cop if he wanted to buy weed"

I couldn't hold it in, I started laughing.

"That's great! You should've taken me with you!" I laugh.

"You think this is funny?" Nick asks, "the cop pulled a gun out on him"

"Wait..did you actually have weed on you?" I ask Josh.

"No, we got some kind of weird paper that looked like it though and I pulled it out"

I laughed even harder

"Wow..thanks for the help" Nick says sarcastically.

"I'm sorry, but I don't see what the problem is?" I ask.

"Who the hell would dare someone to do something as stupid as that? And why would someone agree to do it?" Nick asks.

"Because it's funny as hell" I laugh.

"Alright, well I think we're done here" Josh says.

"Well, I wanted to ask what you think I should do with him but never mind I guess" Nick sighs.

"Yes, please leave. He did nothing wrong and I would love to go back to sleep" I smile as Nick rolls his eyes and they both leave my room. Minutes later I fell back asleep.


I woke up a bit later...yet again, to yelling.

"Oh would you just shut up!" I yell, even though they probably wouldn't hear me, as I put another pillow over my head.

I heard Nick and Josh's voices, but I couldn't make out what they were saying.

Still, with the pillow over my head, I heard another voice. It was was really deep.

I didn't hear what they were saying, but I do wonder who that is.

My curiosity decided to make me get up and get dressed, but just into a sweatshirt and leggings. I need new clothes, most of the ones I brought from my moms are old, and are the only clothes I have.

By the time I finished getting dressed and ran a brush through my hair, I started to question why I even bothered getting ready. I was planning to just yell at them then go back to sleep again, this jet lag is really getting to me. I guess not.

I still hadn't really seen the house though, so I really didn't know where to go, but I decided to try to follow their voices and tell them to shut the hell up. Fighting isn't going to solve anything, what's done is done anyway.

I start following their voices, which were coming from downstairs.

I walked down the staircase, holding onto the glass railing as I did so, because I'm very clumsy and easily fall.

When I reached the end of the staircase, I walked to the living room and through the kitchen. They weren't in here but their voices were growing louder.

Where could they be? I haven't even seen much of the house still, so I really don't know where I'm going. But it's bugging me that I don't know where they are.

I walk through the kitchen to see a doorway, which I follow to see a hall. One side ended short, showing a bathroom, and the other side was longer with a few doors on the left, and a window at the end. I noticed that their voices were still growing louder. I assume they are in one of the rooms in this hall.

I follow the long side of the hall and press my ear to the first door. I hear nothing so I continue down the hall. Still, I heard nothing until I was at the end of the hall, at the fourth door.

I pressed my ear to the door, and heard their voices, loud and clear.

"Why did you have to drag me into your little bitch fight?" The unknown voice says, "all I did was dare him! Technically he didn't have to do it!"

So..apparently this Josh's friend or whatever who dared him to ask a cop to smoke weed with him. I think I wanna meet this kid.

But really, I don't get why Nick is dragging him into this, the kid only dared Josh, it's not like he held a gun to his head and forced him.

"So you did dare him!" Nick shouts.

"I never said I didn't! But yes I did what's the problem? It wasn't real weed and I think it was funny as hell" the unknown voice says.

I totally agree with him.

"Yeah but that's not the point!" Nick yells back, "the cop held a gun up to him!"

Before I could stop myself I opened the door. "Stop fighting about it goddamn! It's already over now shut the fuck up!" I yell.

For some weird reason when I yell I close my eyes. So, when I opened my eyes, I saw Nick sat at a mahogany desk, with Josh and a teenage boy sat in front of it.

The teenage boy...

mmmMMMM that teenage boy was SMOKING hot like damn.

I made sure to look long enough to notice his dark brown hair, his light brown eyes and his sharp ass jawline. That thing could literally cut you, just saying.

I pulled my eyes off him, despite not wanting to, so I wouldn't just be there staring at him.

"Who's this?" He asks as eyes my body.

Good luck with that, I'm wearing a long ass sweatshirt that covers my butt. Ha.

"Dakota, do you really think right now is a good time to check out my little sister?" Josh asks him.

"No, but I'm gonna do it anyway" he smirked.

I turned away so they wouldn't see that my cheeks were flushed.

"You've got to be fucking kidding me" Nick sighs angrily.

"Sorry?" Dakota said. I'm assuming that's his name because Josh called him Dakota, but I could be wrong.

"No your fucking not" Nick practically yells.

"Haha, your right" Dakota smirks.

Ooooohhh shits getting real

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