Chapter 2

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While on the plane, Ashton and I talked the rest of the way here. I learned that he's an only child, he plays football, and he lives with his mom because his dad is a drug addict..

He had a rough childhood, and his parents got divorced because of his dad's drug addiction..I told Ashton a lot about me too.

We landed in what felt like days later. When I got off I saw a middle aged man, with dark hair like mine, and he was holding up a sign that read 'Josie'.

I barely recognized him, thanks to him for leaving me and my mother when I was two years old. We did look somewhat alike though, we had the same nose and hairline. He must not have recognized me either because when I stood in front of him for about a minute, not saying anything either, he finally asked, "Josie?"

I nod.

"Hello, well it's been quite a while" he says with a happy sigh. Well no shit it's been quite a while, he left when I was two.

I give him a dirty look before scanning around the huge room to find Ashton at the baggage claim. Without saying a word I started walking toward Ashton until my fathers voice stopped me, "where are you going?"

I stopped dead in my tracks and turned around, "see that attractive guy over there at the baggage claim? With dirty blonde hair? Yeah, going to him" I roll my eyes and walk over to Ashton.

"Hey, so is that guy your father?" Ashton asks and points back at my father, which was understandable since we both look somewhat alike, and since I was literally just standing next to him.

"Yeah, I can already tell he's going to be a douche" I sigh.


"He's just the douche type, I don't know how to explain it but I know he's gonna be all in my business and shit"

Ashton lightly laughed at that, "well he is your father and he hasn't seen you in..?"

"15 years"

" he hasn't seen you in 15 years and..shit I forget where I was going with this" Ashton sighed and rubbed the back of his neck.

I chuckle, "I think you were going to lecture me so I really don't mind that you forgot."

He chuckled with me before we found and picked up our luggage. Ashton found his mom and left with them, but not before giving me his number, then me and my father left the airport too.

The whole car ride so far was silent and full of awkwardness which needed to break soon before I throw myself out the damn window.

"So.. What do you do for living?" I ask my dad but immediately regret it because it was just so awkward. Why would I even ask that? It's none of my business.

He glanced over at me, with one eyebrow raised in confusion, probably wondering why I would even ask that.

How great this is, now excuse me while I do throw myself out the window.

"I'm a doctor. A radiologist to be exact"

"So does this mean you live in an expensive mansion and have like 10 unnecessary cars and chefs?" I ask, wondering just exactly how rich and snobby he is.

"No," he chuckles, "we live in a house, which is big but not overwhelming or anything. I have three cars, this, the Escalade we are in right now, and two Range is actually for you"

Holy shit. Holy shit. Holy shit I get a Range Rover? Holy shit.

I can't believe this..he's rich I knew it.

"But you won't get the car unless you start warming up to me, and being at least somewhat friendly" he said with a smirk, knowing he will probably get what he wants because I've always wanted a Range Rover. I bet my mother told him that.

"I am friendly. But now I'll be even friendlier" I smile a sarcastic smile which was actually true. I would lick peanut butter off a hobo's foot to get a Range Rover.

"Of course" he chuckles.

I don't really care that he's rich, but it would be nice to, for once, have nice stuff. I will obviously still miss my mom and Spencer.. I think I miss them more now that I'm away and might actually like it at my fathers. Well no, not exactly like it, more like enjoy having nice things. I could never forgive my father though, for leaving me and mom. Nothing could make up for that.

We finally pull up to a large two story house, that is white on the outside, and has a two car garage with one black Range Rover in the driveway. It looked like a damn mansion. What if I get lost in it?

"Holy shit" I whisper as my jaw drops.

"Close your mouth, you never know when a bug might fly in there" my father says with a smile, obviously attempting to be funny. Which he wasn't.

I close my mouth and get out of the car, grabbing all of the luggage I could grab, but my father helped me. I really need to know what his name is because I'm getting sick of saying 'my father' and I'm certainly not calling him 'dad'. He's done nothing to prove he is a dad or even a father to me. Not even the Range Rover could make it seem like it.

I walk up to the front door, but I couldn't open the door because my arms were full. But as soon as my father reached to open the door, it swung open, revealing a boy, who looked around my age, if not that, then a little older.

He had dark hair, like mine and my fathers natural color, but he looked like a damn replica of my father. Or even the boy version of me. We all looked alike and it was starting to freak me out.

I looked at the boy, then my father, realization just starting to hit me.

"Josh I told you to stay in your room I until I told her" my father groaned.

"I know but I couldn't help it. I was excited to finally meet my sister" the boy says.


I'm a sister?

I have a brother?

"What? What the fuck? I have a brother? Why didn't you tell me?" I ask my father, my jaw dropping again.

"Well I didn't know how to, and I didn't have much time-"

"Bullshit!" I cut him off, "you had plenty of time in the car! You could've used that awkward silence to tell me!"

I don't know why I was so angry at him, but I was. Maybe it was for leaving me with my mom for all those years but already having a son.

"I'm sorry! I just didn't know how to!"

"Well congratulations, I know now. Now excuse me but I have things to unpack" I say and turn around to walk away to 'my' bedroom...only I had no idea where the hell to go, this place was so big. "But first, can someone show me my room?"

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