Chapter 7

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After having a little talk with Andrew, I hope he has a better understanding, but I'm still thinking about how's he going to feel when he finds out I'm his father.
That would crush him and Omar. I have no words for it.
He's been a great friend to me and I know this would hurt him knowing that Andrew is not his.
I said a small prayer and gave the situation to God, I knew he knows everything and how to move better than humanity.
So, I asked him to be my guide and let things go according to his will.
With that being said, after spending some time with Madison.
Evelyn and I had our moment together, we paste around the backyard in a circle discussing things that had been going on.

Evelyn- "Are you sure you are ready to tell him?"

Marco- "I have no choice, he's noticing the difference and Omar is too, and trust me Omar will figure it out before we tell him."

Evelyn- "You think he will run off and get a DNA test or something?"

Marco- "He might."

Evelyn laughed while playfully patting my shoulder.

Evelyn- "Look, everything will be fine. I think you should focus on something a little more important."

Marco- "Like what?"

Evelyn- "Kourtney...she's been excited you are back in town, and she's been honestly wanting to see you."

Marco- "It's funny you say that, 'cause Jaya told me the same thing, I don't mean to interrupt her life or anything."

Evelyn- "Trust me you aren't, she wants to see you Marco and you shouldn't feel me"

Marco- "I guess you're right, I'll swing by if I have the time."

She smiled at me and kissed me on the cheek.
I wrapped my arms around her beautiful frame and pulled her in my arms and whispered in her ear.

Marco- "Now, don't start anything you can't finish."

Evelyn- "Trust me, I can finish whatever I start honey, you just didn't hear about me ?"

Marco- "Oh, I heard about Ms. Evelyn and how she's been selling houses back to back, talk about starting and selling it."

Evelyn- "You know it, I have to finish it."

Marco- "Well, let me put you to bed then."

Evelyn- "Only if you join and stay"

We both shared a laugh while walking back into the house.
The night was romantic and ended peacefully, and I enjoyed every minute of spending time with my little family.
But that still didn't take away from my work.
The next morning, I was in the studio with Chris.
Omar had left and gone back to Earth, but Chris decided to stay and chill with me because he loves being out of space and in new worlds.
But we were working on a song, and it was a little hard to get our harmony to match.
One of us was off for some reason, which made our producer upset, and she was going off on us.
So, we decided to take a 30-minute break to see what the issue was.

Aniyah- "What's going on with the both of you, y'all are always in sync with each other but today, y'all sound like two boys from Africa trying to get famous."

We both laughed at the comment because that was pretty funny.

Marco- "I don't know Aniyah maybe we aren't feeling today or something.... I mean, I'm fine".

Aniyah- "It's not funny you all this ain't no game, we need this song done by today unless you all want to be here all night...Figure this out."

She walks out of the booth, leaving Chris and me in there alone.
Since it was just us in the studio, I knew that something was off about him.
So, I asked him man to man.

Marco- "Chris, what's going on, we had to do four takes, and you are still off...everything alright?"

Chris- "Well man I -Yeah, everything alright."

Marco- "Be real, you know you can trust me."

Chris- "Well, I admit it's just been a little tough with what the media saying about's hard when the world is against you and I love this fame, but I think I heard God speak to me today, and he told me I couldn't worship two masters and I feel like I'm at a crossroads because I don't want to give up this life."

Marco- "Well let me say this, it's time to get your soul right Chris, and know that God will provide, he blessed you with all this, and he will make a way for you if you just trust in him and choose him."

Chris- "But I have the world in my hands, I can't just let it go."

Marco - "For what shall it profit a man to gain the whole world and lose his soul? This is the time you should be giving your life to Christ, and he got you away from earth, so you can rest here and find him here, I'm with you and I always have your back and nothing can't harm you if God is for you."

Chris - "You're right ... I want to change I'm going to think more on it later, but I needed to hear that man ...matter of fact, I have a better song to sing."

He pulled out his phone and showed me a song he had in his notes.

Marco - "Oh Yeah, I remember I wrote this for you man... I see you change it up some."

Chris- "Yeah I did and that's because we need to be singing this and get this message out there and I want you to be on it."

Marco- "I'm down man, let's go."

We DAP each other up before putting our headphones back on.

Chris - "Oh man I don't know whether Aniyah told you this or not, but since you gave me some good advice, you should give Kourtney a call man and just see how's she doing.
While out with Aniyah today I met her, and she's cool and sweet, but she's been wanting to see you man, it's about something important."

Marco- "Did she say what it is ?"

Chris- "Yeah, but you need to call her, so she can talk to you about it, I promise not to inform you what it is, I'm let her do that."

Marco- "Alright."

This is the 3rd person telling me to see about Kourtney, I don't understand why she would want to see me so bad.
She must want me to meet her new boyfriend or something, but whatever it is, I'm just praying for it.
It's not that I don't want to see her but, I'm still trying to get over us not being together and I want to give her time to heal and stuff.
But I'm swinging by, I guess.

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