8 - Thursday, August 24th, 2017

52 4 0

Minna's alarm went off right on time. She flinched awake at first, then she recognized the sound and turned over her phone. It took her a second to process the numbers and then she rolled out of bed. She grabbed whatever she'd need in the bathroom — clothes, makeup, hairbrush — and left the bedroom.

The girl in the mirror was sleep weary and ruffled, but she was alive and she looks different than she always had. Her hair, which was long and black, was wavy, like it had always been. It didn't appreciate the fingers combing through it and started to poof, making the girl wet a hairbrush and run it through the strands, sticking them back together so they couldn't make a mini explosion on her head. The eyes staring at her were glass blue — and looked like they could shatter at any moment. The skin was pale and dry with scattered freckles on her nose and temples. Her fingers were slender and long, though they were definitely on an athlete's hands. The tattoo on her cheekbone was stark against the pale of her face and she didn't like it, fingers hovering to put concealer over it. She didn't.

Minna stepped away from the mirror and began to dress in her Exy jersey and a pair of yoga pants, hair getting twisted into a single English braid down her back. She pulled on the white sneakers Kevin and she had bought just before she left and slung her messenger bag over her shoulder. She dropped her things back off in the bedroom and then made her way to the kitchen. She started the coffee, then began to make herself an omelette. With the omelette came bacon, which was just a little too salty to be healthy and when the coffee beeped, Cat and Laila exited the bedroom as if drawn in by the food and caffeine.

"Make your own breakfast," Minna said, pointing to the egg carton and the rest of the bacon. Laila pumped her fist, and started to make her own eggs, and Minna started munching away without them. Cat grinned and tugged the braid on Minna's back lightly.

Minna cast her a small smile. By the time Minna finished eating, she had ten minutes to get out the door. She checked her laces and swept up her bag in one motion. She exited the tower with the flood of athletes, and eventually found her first class — advanced math.

The teacher went over the syllabus but then gave them all a quiz, just to check what they knew. Minna was the only freshman in the class and the only Exy player.

The class flew by, and then it was time to squeeze in a philosophy block. Minna found philosophy more fun than math, but she refrained from saying so, especially since the syllabus took up half the block. Her third block was a tutoring period that she really didn't need, so she and her tutor settled for doing what little homework they had. Then it was lunch and Minna scarfed down a caprese salad and a mug of coffee and half a chicken sandwich — the other half of which she shoved in her bag. The next two periods were studies, then she took the sixth period of the day for French.

Minna closed her eyes against the pain throbbing in her temples, swallowing the Tylenol that Cat had left on her desk. Apparently, the other two girls knew too well that she'd get a headache.

"C'mon, up," Laila said, poking her head in. "Practice."

Minna ran a hand over her face and popped up, following the older girls to the car. Jeremy was waiting and when Laila unlocked the car, the other three climbed in with startling synchrony. That woke Minna up and she had possibly the most energy through practice that evening. Jeremy crashed on their couch because his roommates both had their girlfriends over and he didn't want to be in the way or be witness to the snogging and such.

Those were not Minna's words. They were Jeremy's.

Minna accepted his explanation without protest and changed into her pajamas in the bathroom. Laila and Car took the bedroom and the door was wide open and ready for Minna to enter. She offered the older girls a goodnight, then curled up in her bed and listened to the music playing through her headphones' speakers.

Her eyes closed and opened intermittently throughout the night. What little she remembered was punctuated by the urge to pee or sudden terror.

At one point, Minna had jumped out of bed, yelping, "Riko!" Laila had rolled out of bed and calmed the girl down, but it was enough to make Minna go into the kitchen and brew a mug of chamomile tea. She fell asleep at the kitchen table and woke up being carried back to bed by Jeremy.

Minna knew that the game and the upcoming interview were what were keeping her up. Jeremy tucked her in and she rolled over, eyes facing the wall, and she stared until she fell asleep again.


Sorry. It's shorter today. I didn't know how to extend it, so it's gonna be a double update.

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