Minna peeled her eyes open as Jeremy shook her shoulder lightly.
"We're here," he said.
She rubbed her eyes blearily, sitting up.
"Minna!" Kathy said joyfully. "The Foxes aren't here yet, but we have your dressing room all ready for you! Come on in, and we'll show your teammates and coach their seats!"
"How is anyone so awake at this hour?" Minna groaned.
"Minna," Laila laughed.
"She's not a morning person," Cat said with a slow smile.
Minna climbed out of the car. Jeremy helped her to her numb feet and then she greeted Kathy, with a hug and a kiss on the cheek.
Kathy pressed her fingers to the spot and laughed. "Just as charming as we all remember," she said joyfully. "Thomas will bring you to your dressing room and go over everything, so I'll see you on stage!"
Minna watched her teammates and coach leave and then turned to the aid.
He jabbered on and on about rules and shit, but Minna tuned him out, following with a busy mind to her dressing room. Her clothes were already hanging on the rack in the room and then Thomas told her that a makeup and hair artist would come in a few minutes.
Minna nodded and then Thomas left to let her change.
The white bustier top fit her measurements just perfectly, and the red pants matched the red and gold blazer. She popped on the gold heels and tightened the belt. She had been spinning in the makeup chair when the hair and makeup artists arrived. They had smiled at her until she stopped, then got right to work.
Gold eyeshadow was dusted over her lids, red winged liner on her waterline and lash line, red blush on her high cheekbones, and when she opened her eyes her wide square face was complimented perfectly. Her black hair was pinned back and half up in a loose bun. She took a deep breath as bright red lipstick was smeared across her lips, held it, and when the makeup artist was spraying setting spray, exhaled slowly.
"You'll be called on soon," the hair stylist told her as they left. Minna waved to him, and then the door clicked shut and then she rolled her head back and sighed.
Thomas came back in to bring her to the lounge to wait. There was her brother, who hugged her tightly and Neil Josten, who looked vaguely pissed off. A widescreen TV showed the stage, which was currently empty. Minna checked the clock on the wall and saw they were ten minutes out. She passed time looking at the questions laid out for her. Most of them were basic, others were about her team and why she left.
An aide came to collect the siblings when it was almost time, and Minna tapped her feet impatiently backstage. At seven on the dot the show's opening music started and Kathy waltzed onto the stage to applause. She stopped in the center to bow and wave at her morning crowd.
"Ladies and gentlemen, good morning! I know it's a little early for most of us to be awake on a Saturday morning, but we've got a fantastic show in store for you today. Our musical guests are the four extremely talented men from the up-and-coming Hobgoblin's Thunder." She paused for the resulting cheers. "But let's start the morning with last night and the start of the NCAA Exy season!"
This drew even louder cheers. Kathy beamed as she slowly paced the front of her stage. "How many of you had a chance to go to a game last night? Oh, wow! How many, like me, watched the game from the comfort of your own home?" She raised her hand and laughed at whatever response she got from the crowd. "Some of you are probably already taking bets on the season's rankings and spring contenders. Right? This year has potential to be the greatest college season we've seen yet. Think of all the changes, all the amazing possibilities. We're going to talk a little about that today, but to do that, I'm going to need a few special guests. "It's been a year since you saw them here last and nearly nine months since their last public appearance. I present to you our first two guests of the day: former starting striker and backliner for the US Court, the Baltimore Wildcats, and the Edgar Allen Ravens, current starting striker for the Palmetto State University Foxes, and current starting backliner for the USC Trojans, Kevin and Minna Day!" She almost didn't make it through her introduction. At "nine months" the bigger Exy fans in the crowd caught on, and halfway through his titles the entire audience was cheering. The camera followed the siblings as they stepped out of the wings onto the stage. With the studio's expensive clothes on and their smiles in place, Kevin and Minna looked every inch the adored idols Kathy was selling them as. He took her hand as he reached half-stage, leaned in to kiss her cheek, and turned with her to face the crowd. Minna gave Kathy a fleeting hug and turned as well. Kathy threw her hands up, a million-watt smile on her face, and the siblings waved hello to the audience.

Trojan Horse
FanfictionMinna Day. Trojan backliner. Number three. Kevin Day's little sister. She was something all right. •|⚜️|• Book one of Trojan Horse. AFTG fanfiction Minna and Minna's story belongs to me. All else belongs to Nora Sakavic. •|⚜️|• 8/21/2023 #2 kevin...