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"Do you think he's going to be okay?" Beth's soft voice broke Evie out of her thoughts. The two blondes were cutting up vegetables for dinner. It would usually be Patricia and Beth cooking but since Patricia is helping their father, Evie offered to help her sister.

"I think he'll be just fine. Daddy will do everything he can to help that little boy."

"I never thought we'd see other people again."

"Me either." Evie nodded before smirking. "Apparently they have a bigger group, I wonder if there are any cute boys."

"Evie!" Beth gasped hitting her sisters's arm. "Don't let daddy hear you. He won't let their group come if he thinks you'll be looking for a boyfriend."

"Well it's only fair!" The younger girl exclaimed. "You have Jimmy, why can't I have a boyfriend?"

"Yeah but it's Jimmy. We've known him since we were kids. You know daddy doesn't like strangers, especially if they're interested in one of us."

"I know." Evie sighed sadly. "Remember that time Maggie brought that guy home from school to meet us?"

Beth nodded letting out a loud giggle. "Daddy made him recite at least five verses from the Bible before he could even enter the house."

"And when he couldn't even do one he grabbed his shot gun and said..."

"I don't need no long haired, rock and roll, devil worshipper corrupting my little girl." Maggie spoke up from the door way sending a glare to her younger sisters. "I'm glad you two find enjoyment in my pain."

"Oh please you only brought that guy home because you knew it'd make daddy mad." Evie rolled her eyes thinking about the boy covered in piercings and tattoos.

Evie knew if she was ever going to date someone she'd have to marry them before introducing them to her father. Her logic was that if they were married Hershel would have to accept it because he didn't believe in divorce. She never said her logic was smart but that was the only way she'd be able to be with who she wanted and have her dad accept them at the same time.

The brunette shook her head smiling at her sisters' antics. She was happy the two could still find something to laugh at during these times, even if it was at her expense.

"I'm heading out." Maggie said changing the subject.

"Is that a good idea? It's going to be dark soon." Beth asked clearly worried for her sister.

"I won't be gone long. Rick's group isn't far from here. I'm just going to get his wife and then I'll be back."

"Be safe." Evie whispered into Maggie's ear as she hugged the brunette tightly.

𝗶𝗻𝗳𝗮𝘁𝘂𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻 - 𝙙𝙖𝙧𝙮𝙡 𝙙𝙞𝙭𝙤𝙣Where stories live. Discover now