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It was later that night when headlights could be seen driving up the Greene's driveway. Maggie was sitting out on the porch waiting for Shane and Otis to get back. Everyone was on the edge of their seats praying that the two would make it back on time to save Carl.

"So do we ring the bell?" A male voice asked walking up onto the porch. "I mean it looks like people live here."

"We're past this kind of stuff, aren't we? Having to be considerate." Another man answered. Both men were completely unaware of the brunette sitting on a chair a few feet away from them.

"Did you close the gate up the road when you drove in?" Maggie's voice cut through the silence startling the two men.

"Uh, hi." The one with a higher voice said stepping closer to where Maggie was sitting. "Yes, we closed it."

"Did the latch and everything." The second man nodded trying to force a smile through the pain in his arm.

"Hello. Nice to see you again. We met before briefly." Maggie stared at the two not knowing if she should trust them or not. They seemed innocent enough but you could never be too careful.

"Hey, Mags any sign of...." Evie trailed off eyeing the strangers in intrigue as she exited the house. "Hello!" She smiled politely easing the men's nerves a small amount.

"We came to help. There anything we can do?" The male with a wrapped arm asked. It was the first thing Evie had noticed about the stranger.

"It's not a bite. I cut myself pretty bad though." He assured her after seeing how she stared at his arm.

"We'll have it looked at." Evie nodded gesturing for them to follow her into the house. The injured man followed right behind Evie but the other held back to look at Maggie one last time.

The brunette had gone back to looking out into the distance with her binoculars, acting like they didn't even exist.

Evie led the two men into the kitchen instructing the injured man to sit down at the table for her to look at his arm.

"I'll tell them we're here." The other spoke taking the bag off of his shoulder and placing it on the table next to Evie. "We have some painkillers and antibiotics. I already gave him some. If Carl needs any."

"That's awfully helpful." The blonde smiled. "I'm Evie Greene."

"I'm Glenn and that's T-Dog." Glenn grinned back at the teen. She was probably the nicest person he'd ever met and they'd only been around her for less than five minutes.

"It's nice to meet both of you." She nodded unwrapping the bandanna around T-Dog's arm. "The Grimes family are in the room at the end of the hall if you wanna go check on them. Just head back the way we came in and turn right."

"Thank you." Glenn left to let Rick and Lori know the two had made it before he made his way back into the kitchen to see another blonde woman instructing Evie on stitching up T-Dog's arm.

"You got here right in time." Patricia stated closely watching Evie work. The young blonde was happy that Patricia had left her room. She didn't want her to be alone but she understood that the woman needed some time to herself before she could get a level head again. "This couldn't go untreated much longer. Merle Dixon. Is that your friend with the antibiotics?"

"No, ma'am. Merle's no longer with us." Glenn spoke up sharing a glance with T-Dog. "Daryl gave us those... his brother."

"Not sure I'd call him a friend." T-Dog mumbled.

"He is today." Evie cut in finishing the last stitch. "You're good to go."

"This doxycycline might have just saved your life." Patricia patted Evie on the back taping a bandage on top of the stitches once Evie left to wash her hands. "You know what Merle was taking it for?"

"The clap." T-Dog shook his head.

"Um, venereal disease." Glenn awkwardly stuttered out realizing that neither woman knew what T-Dog meant by "the clap". "That's what Daryl said."

"I'd say merle Dixon's clap was the best thing to ever happen to you." Patricia laughed softly cleaning up the supplies.

"I'm really trying not to think about that."

"Well how about I make you guys something to eat? I'm sure you must be hungry." Evie questioned pulling some ingredients out of the fridge to make a sandwich.

Both Glenn and T-Dog nodded, liking how friendly the two blondes were. They thought they were going to like it on the farm if the whole family was as nice as them.


By the next morning no one in the Greene family had gotten much sleep. Most of the night was spent waiting for Hershel to save Carl and the rest was trying to comfort Patricia. Evie couldn't believe that the man was dead. He was just another member of their family that they'd never see again.

So it was safe to say that Evie was not in a particularly good mood this morning. She was upset about Otis and grouchy from the lack of sleep she got. It also didn't help that her father was being extra overbearing this morning. He was not at all comfortable with Rick's group coming to the farm but he couldn't say no to the man while his injured son was recovering in their guest bedroom.

Hershel made sure to let his daughters know that he didn't want them to be alone with anyone from Rick's group. They hadn't even met all of Rick's group and her dad already had a bad opinion of them. Unlike her father, Evie was excited to meet new people, it had been awhile since she had spoken to anyone outside of her immediate family.

When the blonde exited her house that morning she was met with the sight of a large RV parked a few feet away from the house. There were two women and two, Evie was unfamiliar with setting up tents under one of their many large oak trees.

Evie was about to step forward and introduce herself when she felt someone grab her by the elbow.

"I told you I don't want you near them." It was Hershel who had interrupted his daughter from going and meeting the new group.

"I was just trying to be polite. If we're all going to be living together for a while we need to get to know each other." The teen rolled her eyes. All Evie wanted was to meet some new people and maybe make a friend her own age. It was nice having Beth but the two were completely different and didn't always get along, plus Beth was always off with Jimmy leaving Evie alone with Hershel.

"I don't plan on them staying too long and you shouldn't either." The man sighed looking down at the hopeful look on his daughters face. "Please go and help Patricia get cleaned up for the funeral, she's not doing too good."

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