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Daryl should have listened to that blonde girl that ran around the farm in her little dresses acting like the princess of the land. If he hadn't taken Nelly like she said then he wouldn't currently be lying at the bottom of a cliff with one of his own arrows in his side. He also wouldn't have to listen to his missing brother's annoying voice telling him what to do.

"Why don't you pull that arrow out, dummy? You could bind your wound better."

"Merle." Daryl mumbled groggily sitting up.

"What's going on here? You taking a siesta or something?"

"A shitty day, bro." He huffed.

"Like me to get your pillow? Maybe rub your feet?"

"Screw you." Daryl spat looking down at the arrow sticking out of his side. He needed to pull it out and stop it from bleeding too much if he wanted to make it back to the farm.

"You're the one screwed from the looks of it." Merle laughed. "All them years I spent trying to make a man of you, this is what I get? Look at you. Lying in the dirt like a used rubber. You're gonna die out here, brother. And for what?"

"A girl. They lost a little girl." He sighed slowly sitting up.

"So you got a thing for little girls now?"

"Shut up."

"Cause I noticed you ain't out looking for old merle no more." Merle scoffed. "Nah you too busy staring at that little blonde girl. I gotta admit she's a fine piece of ass. You gonna share?"

"Fuck off." Daryl snapped standing on wobbly feet. " I tried like hell to find you, bro."

"Like hell you did."

"You split, man. Lit out first chance you got." He shook his head. "All you had to do was wait. We went back for you. Rick and I, we did right by you."

"This the same Rick that cuffed me to the rooftop in the first place? Forced me to cut off my own hand? This him we're talking about here? You his bitch now?"

"I ain't nobody's bitch."

"You're a joke is what you are, playing errand boy to a bunch of pansy-asses. You're nothing but a freak to them. Redneck trash. That's all you are." Merle ranted as Daryl ripped the arrow out of his side. "They're laughing at you behind your back. You know that, don't you? I got a little news for you, son. One day they gonna scrape you off their heels like you was dog shit."

Daryl ignored his brother as he patched his wound the best he could before making his way to the bottom of the cliff.

"Hey. They ain't your kin, your blood. Hell, you had any damn nuts in that sack of yours, you'd got back there and shoot your pal Rick in the face for me. Now you listen to me. Ain't nobody ever gonna care about you except me, little brother. Nobody ever will."

𝗶𝗻𝗳𝗮𝘁𝘂𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻 - 𝙙𝙖𝙧𝙮𝙡 𝙙𝙞𝙭𝙤𝙣Where stories live. Discover now