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The search for Sophia the day before had been unsuccessful. With Daryl being the only one searching the woods the group didn't cover much ground. Rick was hoping to pick up some slack now that he and Shane were cleared by Hershel to help with the search.

Evie knew she wasn't allowed to be near the group per Hershel's orders but she couldn't stop herself from listening in on their conversation as the stood around the old blue truck parked a few feet away from the chicken coup where she was completing one of her many chores.

"We've got a lot of ground to cover." Rick announced laying out the county map. "All right, everyone's getting new search grids today."

"If she made it as far as the farmhouse Daryl found, she might have gone further east than we've been so far." Glenn commented looking over where Evie was hoping to see a certain brunette.

The blonde continued throwing feed at the clucking chickens until she heard a familiar voice speaking.

"I'd like to help. I know the area pretty well and stuff." It was Jimmy. She turned to see him holding a shotgun and standing in the small circle around the truck.

"Hershel's okay with this?" Rick asked looking the boy up and down.

"Yeah yeah." Jimmy nodded nervously scratching the back of his neck. "He said I should ask you."

Bullshit! Evie thought throwing her now empty bucket on the ground. She exited the chicken coup with every. intention of ruining Jimmy's plans to go out with the group but was distracted by the attractive redneck walking towards the stables.

Evie knew she should stop Jimmy before he went and got in trouble but she was far too interested in the mysterious man to care about her sister's boyfriend. Plus she knew Hershel had talked to Jimmy about staying away from the group as well so it was his own fault if he got in trouble for lying.

As stealthily as possible Evie followed the man into the stables. She was praying that her dad was still in the house eating lunch. The last thing she needed was another lecture from him about how dangerous the group is.

When she entered the stables the man was gently petting one of the family's horses. Evie couldn't help but smile at the serene look on his face. She could tell from the small number of interactions she's seen between him and other members of his group that he wasn't a big fan of people but he seems at ease amongst the horses.

"That ones Dolly. She been my mama's since she was a girl." The blonde spoke startling Daryl. The man turned adjusting his crossbow. "I'm Evie! I don't think we've met yet!"

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