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"Blessed be God, father of our lord Jesus Christ. Praise be to him for the gift of our brother Otis, for his span of years, for his abundance of character." The small group of survivors stood around the freshly dug grave listening to Hershel. "Otis, who gave his life to save a child's, now more than ever, our most precious asset. We thank you, God, for the peace he enjoys in your embrace. He died as he lived, in Grace."

"Amen." Mumbled Evie who stood in between her father and Beth, dressed in a black lace dress adorned with a white bow holding her hair half up to match the little white bow on her dress.

Most of the group who had yet to meet Evie were quite shocked when they saw the small blonde teen walking through the field in a dress and ballet flats. It had been a long time since the men of the group had seen a girl in a dress and they definitely didn't try to hide the fact that they were eyeing her up. Rick and Dale of course were the only ones not to look out of respect, while Daryl was quite literally flabbergasted seeing a woman wearing something so out of place during a zombie apocalypse.

The redneck could feel someone staring at him as he listened to Shane's made up story of how Otis died. It was safe to say he was a little shocked when he connected eyes with the blonde haired beauty that had seemed to capture Shane, Glenn, and T-Dog's attention. Daryl couldn't deny that the girl was pretty but she definitely wasn't the type of woman he went for.

"He gave me his backpack. He shoved me ahead. "Run," he said. He said, "I'll take the rear. I'll cover you." And when I looked back... If not for Otis, I'd have never made it out alive. And that goes for Carl too. It was Otis. He saved us both. If any death ever had meaning, it was his." Shane shook his head as he continued his story.

Not liking that someone was staring at him, Daryl sent the blonde teen a glare hoping that she'd get the point and stop looking at him. Evie, however, sent the man a small smile in return.

Evie would never admit it aloud but she found the rough looking man attractive. He reminded her of the one character she'd read about in her biker romance novel that her father would kill her for owning. The only difference between the two was that the character had longer hair. Evie reckoned that this man in front of her would look good with long hair if he ever wanted to grow it out.

The staring contest between the two didn't last much longer as they finished Otis' service and the twins took Patricia back to the house for some privacy while she continued to grieve.


"How long has this girl been lost?" Hershel asked standing next to Rick as Maggie and Evie joined the small group of men and Andrea.

"This'll be day three." Rick sighed.

"County survey map. Shows the terrain and elevations." Evie smiled at the group as she set the map down on the hood of the car. It had taken her and Maggie a while to find it seeing as it was stuffed in the bottom of Hershels desk.

"This is perfect, thanks Evie." The sheriff nodded in thanks as they began to inspect the map. "We can finally get this thing organized. We'll grid the whole area, start searching in teams."

"Not you." The teen shook her head looking to her father in support.

"You gave three units of blood. You wouldn't be hiking five minutes in this heat before passing out." Hershel explained then turned to Shane and looked towards his wrapped ankle. "Push it now, you'll be laid up a month, no good to anybody."

"Guess it's just me." The brooding redneck finally spoke. Evie couldn't help but be shocked by how deep his voice was. "I'm gonna head back to the creek, work my way from there."

"I can help you search the woods." Evie rushed out looking at the man who she had yet to learn his name. "Shawn and I used to play out there all of the time. I know this area better than anyone."

Daryl was surprised that the girl who'd been wearing a dress this morning wanted to do any work. He had assumed she was a little princess who stayed inside her castle and didn't bother to get her hands dirty. Her outfit now wasn't much better, she had switched out the black dress for a light blue version that resembled the color of her eyes and some cowgirl boots.

"Absolutely not!" Hershel immediately cut in.

"You let Maggie go out! Why can't I?"

The brunette in question shot her head to her little sister, sending a glare her way for bringing her into what she knew would be an argument with their father.

"I only go into town. We know nobody is around. We don't know what is in the woods." Maggie said trying to diffuse the situation.

"Yes, and you know I am not one hundred percent okay with Maggie going but we don't have a choice."

"Well I can still be useful." Shane cut in ending the family argument before it could continue any further. "I'll drive up to the interstate, see if Sophia wandered back."

"All right, tomorrow then." Rick smiled folding up the map. Evie rolled her eyes knowing that she wasn't going to get her way so she decided to head back to the house to read one of her romance novels and escape from her life for just a few moments.

Watching the blonde storm off after not getting her way confirmed Daryl's suspicion that she was a princess, dare he say a brat? He wasn't completely sure of his impression of her but he knew he needed to stay away from her. Daryl couldn't stand whinny little girls, and that's what she was.


^ Evie's Funeral Dress ^

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^ Evie's Funeral Dress ^

^ Evie's Funeral Dress ^

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^ Evie's Other Dress ^

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