Chapter 1

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The Beginning

A eight year old Naruko was sitting on a swing feeling her hair flowing in the wind, watching other kids play with their friends or their parents. She looked at the ground and asked herself why was she always alone. Naruko was too lost in her thoughts to notice someone walking towards her.

"Hey are you ok?" Naruko looked up to see a boy with messy pale turquoise hair, emerald green eyes, and he looked to be at least one year older then her. "Why are you by yourself?" He asked. Thinking that he was gonna make fun of her like everyone else Naruko looked away and said in a harsh tone "why do you care?"

The boy jumped slightly at her tone of voice. 'Maybe she's just having a bad day.' Noticing that she was sitting on a swing he then asked "do you want me to push you?" Naruko looked back at the boy confused and said "what?" "Do you want me to push you... on the swing?" He asked again. Naruko was taken back a bit. "Umm... sure." The boy walked behind Naruko and started to push her on the swing. Naruko was surprised. No one had offered to push her on the swings before. "Why are you by yourself?" He asked again. "I don't have anyone to play with" she answered.

The boy stopped pushing Naruko, walked in front of her, and asked "What about your parents?" "I don't have parents" Naruko said saddened. "You're an orphan and you don't have anyone to play with?" He asked. Naruko nodded her head getting off the swing. "Then I'll play with you" the boy said. Naruko looked at him with her eyes widened in shock. "Really!" She shouted happily with a big smile on her face. The boy nodded his head. "Yay!" Naruko shouted while throwing her arms around the boy's neck.

Once Naruko let go of him she asked "hey what's your name?" "I'm Akito Agatsuma." "That's an awesome name" Naruko stated. "Come on my name isn't that great" Akito said scratching the back of his head. "I think it is. It sounds really cool" Naruko said."So what's your name?" Akito asked. "I'm Naruko Uzumaki and when I grow up I'm gonna be the next Hokage." "Your name is really pretty Naruko" Akito said. "Thanks" Naruko said. He then grabbed her hand and took her to the park to play.

After the two arrived at the park, Akito spotted a toy shop near by. Akito let go of Naruko's hand and pointed at the shop. "Hey Naruko I'm gonna go over there and see if they have something we can play with." "Ok" Naruko said. When Akito left two girls approached Naruko. "Well, well if it isn't miss whiskers." "Looks like she finally gained enough confidence to show everyone else her ugly whisker marks."

"Leave me alone you jerks?" Naruko shouted. One of the girls got in her face and said "oh yeah. What are you gonna do if we don' t? Stand there and cry." She didn't reply. "How pathetic" the other girl chimed in. Then all a sudden a light pink kick ball hit one of the girls in the face and Akito ran in front of Naruko. "Leave her alone!" He shouted. "Why are you defending this freak?" "She's not freak so get lost and mind your own business!" Akito shouted in her face.

The girl tried to punch Akito but he moved out of the way, knocked her to the ground, putting his foot on her back to stop her from moving, grabbed and pulled on her arms. "Ow! Let go!" She shouted. "Only if you and your friend agree to leave" he said. "Fine we'll leave now let go!" Akito get go of the girls arms and took his foot off of her. Both of the girls left.

Akito looked at Naruko and asked "are you ok?" Naruko nodded her head. "That was really cool." "Thanks. By the way, who were those girls?" Akito asked. "They're just a couple of girls from my class. They make fun of me because they think the marks on my face are ugly. They pick on me all the time." Naruko said. "That's because you let them." Naruko looked at Akito confused.

"You didn't try to do anything to defend yourself you just got mad and shouted at them. You're just proving to them that they're bothering you so next time they pick on you try to stand up for yourself and let them know that what they think or say doesn't matter to you because it shouldn't" Akito said. Naruko nodded her head and said "ok I will."

"By the way, I think that you're makers are cute. They remind me of a fox's whiskers." Akito said. Naruko, shocked, looked away blushing a bit. "Th-thank you" she whispered. "Huh? Did you say something?" Akito asked startling her. Naruko jumped and said "n-no I-I d-didn't." Akito chucked. "Alright then I'll go get the ball." He then ran off to get the ball. 'Why did I stutter?' She asked herself. "I got it! Let's play!" Akito shouted running over to her. A couple of hours later the sun was starting to go down.

As the sun was setting Naruko and Akito stopped playing when they heard someone calling Akito's name. They saw a woman with emerald green eyes and braided light blue hair that hung over her shoulder walking towards them. Akito ran over to her saying "mom." "Come on Akito it's time to go home" that woman said. Hearing that Akito had to leave made Naruko sad. She was just about to grabbed Akito's hand but stopped when he said "mom wait." Akito ran over to Naruko. "Sorry but I have to go but meet me back here tomorrow and we'll play so more ok."

This made Naruko smile. She was a bit scared that after today he wouldn't want to play with her again but hearing Akito say that he wanted to play with her again tomorrow made her happy. "Ok!" Naruko shouted. As Akito turned to walk back over to his mom Naruko grabbed his hand and asked "aren't you gonna take your ball with you?" Akito smiled. "You can have it. I don't need it." "Really?" She asked Akito nodded.

They then heard Akito's mom chuckle and saw her walking towards them. When she was in front of them she asked "who's your new friend Akito?" 'Friend?' Naruko thought surprised. "This is Naruko. She was sitting on a swing by herself so I asked her if she wanted play with me" Akito said making his mom smile. "That's very sweet of you Akito." She then looked at Naruko. "Hello Naruko I'm Yuno. It's nice to meet you." "It's nice to meet you too" Naruko said shocked. She was expecting for Yuno to tell her to say away from her son but she was being nice to her and she even called her Akito's friend.

Yuno looked at Akito and said "Akito it's nice that you made a new friend but try not to get to attached. We still have to leave in a couple of months." Akito frowned and Naruko said saddened "leave?" "Me and Akito don't live here. We're just staying here until it's ok for us to go home" Yuno said.

Naruko frowned and she began to cry. "Hey it's ok" Yuno wiped away the tears in Naruko's eyes in a very motherly way. "We're not gonna be leaving for a while so until then you two can play as much as you want and when me and Akito leave I'll let you know so you two can say goodbye ok?" Naruko smiled and nodded her head.

Yuno stood up smiling. "Come on Akito it's getting late." "Ok." They then started to walk away. "Wait!" Naruko shouted. Yuno and Akito stopped and looked at her. "It there something wrong?" Yuno asked while Naruko ran up to them. "Nothings wrong I just wanted to do something be for you two left." "What is it?" Akito asked. Naruko didn't say anything. She walked up to him and kissed him on the cheek surprising both him and Yuno. When Naruko pulled away Akito placed a hand on his cheek and asked flustered "why did you do that?" "What do you mean? I've seen a lot of women kiss guys on the cheek as a way of saying thank you" she asked him confused. Unaware of the fact that only couples do that.

"What are you thanking me for?" Akito asked. "For being so nice to me. No one has ever reached out to me like you did and I wanted to let you know how much it meant to me" Naruko said happily with a big smile. Akito blushed as he let his hand fall to his side.

Naruko turned around, grabbing the ball, and walked away. As Akito watched Naruko walk away she suddenly stopped and turned to look at him. "Bye Akito I'll see you tomorrow!" She shouted and started walking again. "B-bye Naruko!" He should back once again placed a hand on his cheek feeling his heart beating faster.

Yuno on the other hand couldn't help but smile seeing how her son had found his fist crush. "Come on Akito it's time to go home." Akito nodded and the two of them started to walk away. "It's nice to see that you found yourself a new friend Akito" Yuno said. "Is it weird that I already missed her?" Akito asked. Yuno giggled and said in a gentle voice "no it's not."

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