Chaper 2

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Naruko was at the academy looking out the window not paying attention to what Iruka was saying. She had planned to go to the park to play with Akito once her class ended but sadly she couldn't do that since it was raining. This made her sad since it meant that she couldn't play with Akito today.

When class ended, everyone was heading outside, opening their umbrellas, or putting on their raincoats well everyone except for Naruko since she didn't have an umbrella or a raincoat. She ran out of the class wanting nothing more than to go home.

Naruko was waking through the streets of Konoha, soaking wet from the pouring rain. She decided that she wanted to stop at ichiraku ramen first before she went home. On her way there she stopped when she felt someone grab her hand. She turned around to see Yuno looking at her with a worried expression. "Naruko what are you doing out in the rain?" She then started running taking Naruko with her. They arrived at a small house that looked big enough to hold a family of four.

Upon entering the house Yuno said "take your shoes off and put them next to mine and Akito's. I'll be right back." She then left the room. Naruko took off her shoes and placed then next to two pairs of shoes. She then looked around the room she was in. The room was pretty plain looking the walls and the furniture minus the table were white but it strangely made her feel warm even though she was freezing.

Naruko was about to continue to look around when a picture frame on the table caught her attention. She walked over to it and picked it up to look at it. It was a picture of Akito, Yuno, and a man with mint green hair and red eyes. "Naruko!" She jumped hearing someone shout her name.

Putting the picture frame down she turned around to see Akito running towards her. Once Akito was close enough, he hugged her. "I thought that I wasn't gonna see you today. I'm glad to see you again" he said holding onto her tight not caring that she's soaking wet. They had only been apart for a couple of hours but he was acting like they have seen each other in a very long time. "I-I'm happy to s-see you too" Naruko said a bit blushing.

When Yuno entered the room she smiled seeing that her son was pretty much cuddling his friend. She walked over to them saying "ok Akito that's enough." When Akito let go of Naruko, Yuno once again grabbed Naruko's hand. "Follow me" she said.

They left the room and walked down a hallway. They stopped walking when they reached a door at the end of the hallway. Yuno opened the door to revealing the room was a bathroom. As they went inside Naruko noticed that the bathtub was full of water. "Go ahead and get in. In the meantime I'll wash your clothes for you ok?" Yuno said. Naruko didn't say anything she just stood there stunned.

'Is everything ok?" Yuno asked. Naruko nodded her head then took off her clothes and got in the bath. Yuno picked up her clothes and turned to leave. Before she did she looked at Naruko and said "I'll go get you a change of clothes and a towel. If you need anything just let me know." She then left.

Yuno was walking down the hallway looking careful at Naruko's clothes. The clothes were torn, worn out, and dirty they looked like she got them out of a dumpster, definitely not something a child should wear and it made her mad.

She was already aware that Naruko was the nine-tails jinchuriki and her status as a troublemaker but that wasn't a good enough reason for the villagers to treat her the way they did. 'Can't the third hokage at least make sure that she is well taken care of instead of just giving her an apartment and leaving her to fend for herself.' Yuno thought enraged.

After a bit Naruko was out of the bath and back in the living room, wearing one of Akito's outfits, and standing in front of Yuno who was dry her hair. "Mom" Akito said walking into the room with a hairbrush in his hand. Yuno stopped drying Naruko's hair, put the towel beside her, and took the brush saying "thank you Akito." She then started to gently brush Naruko's hair. Meanwhile Naruko had been quiet the entire time lost in her thoughts.

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