Chapter 3

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Naruko had spent an entire week with Yuno and Akito. She found herself liking everything about them from their hobbies, likes, dislikes, everything and strangely enough some times when she was around Akito she would feel her face heating up and her heart would start pounding but she didn't know why.

Over the past week, Naruko hadn't pulled any pranks in class or in the village, no longer having time to plan or pull pranks since she would spend the entire day with Akito and Yuno and she was honestly ok with that. The whole point of her pranks was to get the villagers to acknowledge her but since she has two people who are willing to acknowledge her and be associated with her she no longer felt the need to prank anyone anymore. On the plus side some of her classmates find her less annoying and would tease and pick on her less.

Naruko was in class looking out the window waiting impatiently for the class to end meanwhile Iruka had been keeping a close eye on her. He had been watching her closely for a whole week because she has been acting kind of strange.

Although he was glad about not having to worry about things like thumbtacks on his chair or her randomly disrupting his class, he was concerned about her because the Naruko he knew was loud and a massive troublemaker so seeing her so quiet and not doing anything to cause trouble caused him to worry. 'Maybe I should talk to the third hokage about this' he thought.

When the bell rang everyone quickly left the classroom but as Naruko was about to leave, Iruka grabbed her shoulder. "What Iruka-sensei?" Naruko said annoyed. "Are you feeling alright?" He asked placing his hand on her forehead. "I'm fine sensei" Naruko said pushing his hand away. "Are you sure you're alright? You haven't been disrupting class or pulled any pranks lately. That's not like you" Iruka said. "I'm fine sensei. I just don't have time to pull pranks anymore" Naruko said shocking Iruka. Before Iruka could say anything else, Naruko quickly ran out of the building. 'What does she mean by she doesn't have time?' He thought.

Naruko saw Yuno and Akito waiting for her when she ran out the door. "Akito! Yuno!" She shouted happy to see them. "Hello Naruko" Yuno said. Akito grabbed her hand. "Come on let's play." "Akito" Yuno said in a stern voice. Akito look at his mother and said "yes?" "You know that we have to go home, you have chores to do" Yuno said. "But mom" Akito whined. She glared at him. "Do you want to be grounded?" Akito didn't say anything he just stormed away upset.

Yuno sighed. "Come on Naruko, you and Akito can play once he's done." Naruko smiled and said "ok." Yuno knelt down and whispered "once we get to the house you might wanna get comfortable. Whenever Akito is doing his chores it takes him forever to finish them." "MOM!" Akito shouted embarrassed, having heard what she said. Yuno then walked away holding Naruko's hand.

Meanwhile Iruka knocked on the door to the hokage's office. "Come in" the third hokage said. He then went inside. Seeing Iruka Sarutobi smiled. "Good evening Iruka. Is there something you need?" "Sorry to bother you sir but it's about Naruko. She's been acting kind of strange lately" Iruka said. "What do you mean?" Sarutobi asked. "For the past week she's been really quiet, she hasn't been interrupting class, or tried to skip it, and she hasn't pulled any pranks lately. I tried to talk to her about it but she didn't give me a chance to talk. I was hoping that you could have a word with her. This whole thing has honestly got me worried. There could be something bothering her or something's wrong with her and she's not telling anyone" Iruka said.

Sarutobi immediately stopped what he was doing and thought about what Iruka had said. He had been caught up in his duties as hokage, he hadn't noticed that Naruko hasn't done anything to get herself dragged into his office for a couple of days. After listening to what Iruka had told him he also started to worry himself. "Alright I'll go have a word with her and see what's going on. If I find anything I'll let you know." Sarutobi said getting up from his chair. "Alright thanks lord hokage" Iruka said leaving the office.

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